now supports Java. PGV is much richer in terms of validation rules.
This project has entered ARCHIVED state and will not be maintained.
This library allows you to add validation statements inside the proto files as options to fields.
It supports validation both standalone and as a gRPC client and server interceptor.
Based on initial work by SeriousMa:
Add rules to your proto files:
import "validation.proto";
message ExampleMessage {
string name = 1[(validation.regex) = "[A-Z]{2,}"];
ProtobufValidator validator = new ProtobufValidator();
An MessageValidationException is thrown in case of any validation errors.
Example shows gRPC server setup
Server greetingServer = ServerBuilder.forPort(8080).addService(ServerInterceptors.intercept(new GreetingServiceImpl(), new ValidationInterceptor())).build();
ManagedChannelBuilder builder = ManagedChannelBuilder.forAddress(url.getHost(), url.getPort()).usePlaintext(true);
builder.intercept(new ValidationInterceptor());
import "validation.proto";
message HelloRequest {
string name = 1[(validation.regex) = ""];
int32 age = 2 [(validation.max) = 100, (validation.min) = 18];
repeated string hobbies = 3 [(validation.repeatMax) = 5, (validation.repeatMin) = 2];
map<string, string> bagOfTricks = 4 [(validation.repeatMax) = 10, (validation.repeatMin) = 2];
Sentiment sentiment = 5 [(validation.required) = true;
int64 future_timemilles = 6 [(validation.future) = true];
int64 past_timemilles = 7 [(validation.past) = true];
string forbidden_field = 8 [(validation.forbidden) = true;