
CircleCI Orb for setting up databases for db-testing in workflows

European Union Public License 1.2EUPL-1.2

Entur - CircleCI Database Test Orb

This is a work in progress, not yet available as a pulic release.

This orb is a utility orb for creating docker images (on GCR) with a database preloaded with data. This can then be used as a service image for your DB testing needs.


An executor that has gcloud pre-installed. One is available as gcp-auth/entur-cci-toolbox Add an env. variable <SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME> in your project in CircleCI.


Use the orb like this:

version: 2.1

orbs: # This makes the gcp-auth orb available in your config
  test-db: entur/test-db@volatile # Use volatile if you always want the newest version.

    executor: test-db/entur-cci-toolbox
    context: global
      - test-db/database-build:
          image-name-suffix: schemaonly
          checkout: true
          setup-remote-docker: true
          database-type: "mysql"
          database-version: "8.0.17"
          database-schema: ./path/to/schema_only.sql
          gcp-service-key: $DOCKER_PASSWORD #set in CCI Context
          gcr-namespace: gcr.io
          gcr-project: project-id
      - image: cimg/golang:1.12 #select a base image suitable for your project
          username: $DOCKERHUB_LOGIN
          password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD
      - image: gcr.io/project-id/YOUR_PROJECT_REPONAME-test-db-mysql-schemaonly:latest
          username: $DOCKER_LOGIN
          password: $DOCKER_PASSWORD
        context: global  
          MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: root
          MYSQL_DATABASE: testdb
          MYSQL_USER: user
          MYSQL_PASSWORD: passw0rd
      - checkout
      - run: go get -u github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
      - run: SQL_CONNECTION_STRING="root:root@tcp(" go run main.go

Available commands can be found in src/commands. Usage examples in examples and in text/install-test.yml

Pack and publish orb

Make sure you have the CircleCI CLI:

curl -fLSs https://circle.ci/cli | bash

Pack the contents of src/ to a single orb file:

circleci config pack ./src > orb.yml

Validate that the orb is valid:

circleci orb validate orb.yml

After commit & push to the repository, the orb will be automatically published as part of the workflow in CircleCI.

A dev-orb will be published as: entur/test-db@dev:YOUR-BRANCH-NAME. Release orbs are created on push to the master branch.

You can read more here: https://circleci.com/docs/2.0/creating-orbs/