
A small example setup for Vagrant/Ansible

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A simple tutorial in using Vagrant and Ansible for development and production




brew install ansible




Init a new Vagrant machine with Ubuntu 14.04 64bit:

vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64

Create first playbook

Create a file named salad.yml and add it to Vagrant:

  config.vm.provision "ansible" do |ansible|
    ansible.extra_vars = {

    ansible.playbook = "salad.yml"

First boot of Vagrant machine

vagrant up

Install nginx

Use apt to install nginx at a specific version

    - name: install packages
      apt: pkg={{ item }} state=latest
      sudo: yes
        - nginx=1.6.0

To provision our Vagrant machine (in this case install nginx in its default state) just type:

vagrant provision

To access the now running nginx on http://localhost:8080 we need to forward the clients port 80 to the hosts port 8080 in our Vagrantfile.

config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 80, host: 8080

To reload the Vagrantfile type:

vagrant reload

Create our own nginx site

Disable default nginx site in salad.yml:

    - name: disable nginx default site
      file: path=/etc/nginx/sites-available/default state=absent
      sudo: yes
      notify: restart nginx

Create index.html and nginx_site in templates

Add lines to salad.yml:

    - name: enable nginx salad site
      file: src=/etc/nginx/sites-available/salad dest=/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/salad owner={{ whoami.stdout }} group=www-data state=link
      sudo: yes
      notify: restart nginx

    - name: ensure /var/www/salad/ exists
      file: path=/var/www/salad state=directory recurse=yes owner={{ whoami.stdout }} group=www-data
      sudo: yes

    - name: add default index.html
      template: src=templates/index.html dest=/var/www/salad/index.html


    - name: restart nginx
      sudo: yes
      action: service name=nginx state=restarted enabled=yes

After provisioning we can visit our new nginx site on localhost:8080

vagrant provision

Upload to production server

You need a running VPS at the provider of your choice. I prepared a server under salad.entwicklerbier.org. Create a hosts file containing:


To run your playbook on this group, just specify the hosts file with the -i argument:

ansible-playbook -i hosts salad.yml

Different configuration for development and production

Say we want to enable a more verbose debug log on the development machine. We need to supply default value in our playbook - salad.yml

      log_flags: ''

In our Vagrantfile add the log_flags to the Ansible config:

web_server: {
  log_flags: 'debug'

And alter our nginx-site to use the advanced log:

error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log {{ web_server.log_flags }};

We can now provision our vagrant machine and our host with these changes.

Deploying SSL-Certificates

Adapt your nginx-config to load the ssl certs.

You should really not put your unencrypted key files in a public repo. So let's encrypt it:

openssl rsa -des -in salad.entwicklerbier.org.key -out salad.entwicklerbier.org.key

Add a vars_prompt to salad.yml which lets you query the passphrase from the previous step from the user:

  - name: ssl_passphrase
    prompt: "Enter SSL Certificate Passphrase"
    private: true

There are a couple of new tasks to copy the certificate chain/key in position. To let the vars_prompt value decrypt your keyfile you need the {{ssl_passphrase}} variable

- name: strip ssl keys
  command: openssl rsa -in /etc/ssl/private/salad.entwicklerbier.secured.org.key -out /etc/ssl/private/salad.entwicklerbier.org.key -passin pass:{{ssl_passphrase}} creates=/etc/ssl/private/salad.entwicklerbier.org.key
  sudo: yes
  notify: restart nginx

Provision and ssl :)