To Creat your static website follow below:


* You need terraform version 12
* If you are running the code in your AWS EC2 make sure it has ADMIN privileges.
* You need domain name.

Run the following commands:

* Clone the repo
git clone
* Go inside the static-web-aws folder
cd akumo_staticweb
* Edit terraform.tfvars file to your own info
domain_name    = "YOUR-DOMAIN-NAME"
aws_region     = "us-east-1"
route_zone_id  = "YOUR-ZONE-ID"
* Run the following commands
terraform init
terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars
* Then go into AWS S3 console and upload the index.html file into the bucket that is created.

You should now have a website running.

Go to the URL that was specified in tfvars file and it should come up.