A highly customizable drag-and-drop grid built on pure es6 with no external dependencies. Inspired by gridster and angular-gridster and other excellent grid systems.
Don't use in production just yet! Check out demo in the meantime!
As far as I know there isn't a grid system that is dependency free, maintained actively, and customizable to the core.
Either via npm:
npm install dashgrid
or download the dist/dashgrid.js (dashgrid.min.js).
Include the dashgrid.js file either via html, commonjs or es6 syntax.
// Wrapped in DOMContentLoaded to make sure DOM is loaded before Grid.
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
var boxes = [
{'row': 1, 'column': 1, 'rowspan': 1, 'columnspan': 1}
var options = {
boxes: boxes,
floating: true
var element = document.getElementById('grid');
var grid = Grid(element, options);
- updateBox
- insertBox
- removeBox
- refreshGrid
- dragStart
- dragging
- dragEnd
- resizeStart
- resizing
- resizeEnd
var gridOptions = {
rowHeight: 'auto',
numRows: 6,
minRows: 6,
maxRows: 10,
columnWidth: 'auto',
numColumns: 6,
minColumns: 6,
maxColumns: 10,
xMargin: 20,
yMargin: 20,
defaultBoxRowspan: 2,
defaultBoxColumnspan: 1,
minRowspan: 1,
maxRowspan: 9999,
minColumnspan: 1,
maxColumnspan: 9999,
liveChanges: true,
draggable: {
enabled: true,
handles: 'auto',
dragStart: function () {},
dragging: function () {},
dragEnd: function () {}
resizable: {
enabled: true,
handles: ['n', 'e', 's', 'w', 'ne', 'se', 'sw', 'nw'],
handleWidth: 10,
resizeStart: function () {},
resizing: function () {},
resizeEnd: function () {}
scrollSensitivity: 20,
scrollSpeed: 10,
snapbacktime: 300,
displayGrid: true
If rowHeight / columnWidth is set to 'auto', then the grid height / width is set to that of the parent element. rowHeight then becomes gridHeight / numRows + yMargins and columnWidth gridWidth / numColumns + xMargins.
If rowHeight / columnWidth is set to a number, then the grid height is set to:
gridHeight = numRows * rowHeight
and the grid width is set to:
gridWidth = numColumns * columnWidth
If you want another design on the box, drag handlers, resize handlers, the placeholder box (the shadow box shown when dragging / resizing a box) you can edit these to your liking.
The only css done in Dashgrid is the necessary positioning.
The DOM structure of dashgrid is:
<div class="dashgrid">
<!-- Boxes -->
<div class="dashgrid-boxes">
<div class="dashgrid-box">
<div class="content-element"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-n"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-e"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-w"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-s"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-ne"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-nw"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-se"></div>
<div class="dashgrid-box-resize-handle-sw"></div>
<!-- Shadow Box -->
<div class="dashgrid-shadow-box"></div>
<!-- Grid Lines -->
<div class="dashgrid-grid-lines"></div>
<!-- Grid Centroids -->
<div class="dashgrid-grid-centroids"></div>
The way z-index works in this case is:
- dashgrid: 1000
- dashgrid-box: 1003
- moving dashgrid-box: 1004
- dashgrid-shadow-box: 1002
- dashgrid-box-resize-handle: 1003
- dashgrid-grid-lines: 1001
- dashgrid-grid-centroids: 1001
- gridlist
- Packery
- angular gridster
- gridster