
Personal Site CSS

Primary LanguageHTML

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Danny's Site

Welcome to Danny's Site! This is a personal portfolio website for Danny, a programmer and the founder of Archipelago Kernel. The site showcases Danny's skills in design and development, as well as his love for spaghetti and coffee.


  • Introduces Danny with a banner image and brief introduction

  • Displays Danny's skills in design and development, as well as his spaghetti challenge skills

  • Provides a way for visitors to get in touch with Danny through a subscribe button

  • Links to Danny's LinkedIn, Twitter, Archipelago Kernel, and personal blog

  • Includes a copyright notice

Technologies Used

  • HTML

  • CSS

File Structure

  • index.html: the main HTML file for the site

  • css/styles.css: the stylesheet for the site

  • images/: a directory containing images used on the site


  • Site design and development by Danny

  • Images from various sources, including Giphy and Danny's personal collection

  • Fonts from Google Fonts (Merriweather, Montserrat, Sacramento)