

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Prototypical Networks, Magnet Loss and RepMet in PyTorch


Prototypical Networks (Few-Shot Classification)

Figure 1 from paper

"Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning" learn a metric space in which classification can be performed by computing distances to prototype representations of each class. They use this technique to perform episode based few-shot learning.

My implementation takes a lot from orobix/Prototypical-Networks-for-Few-shot-Learning-PyTorch


Model embeds image into vector, with batches consisting of a subset of classes, with a set of support and set of query examples for each class. The supports are used to build the prototype vector (just avg them) and the querys are then used to calculate the loss by comparing how close they are to their prototypes.

The Goal: Train a model that embeds samples of similar class close, while others far.


Testing is done in the same way, now we can think of the number of supports per class as the n-shot.

Magnet Loss (Fine-Grained Classification)

Figure 3 from paper

"Metric Learning with Adaptive Density Discrimination" learn a metric space in which classification can be performed by computing distances to cluster centres, with clusters belonging to classes. They don't perform few shot classification and instead focus on fine-grained classification.

This takes a lot from the Tensorflow Magnet Loss code: pumpikano/tf-magnet-loss


Model embeds images into vectors which are used to make k clusters per class (with kmeans). We forward pass the entire training set to embed all samples to perform kmeans and build (and update) the clusters. The batches consist of m clusters, a semi-random seed cluster is selected (chosen based on loss value of its members) then the next closest m-1 clusters of different classes are chosen. From the m clusters, d samples which belong to each of these clusters are randomly chosen (samples belong if they are closest to the cluster center than any other cluster centre).

The Goal: Train a model which embeds samples of similar class close, while others far. Also, find cluster means and variances for each class.


Using the clusters (means and variances) learnt in training (obtained by performing kmeans over the training set) embed the test set and classify.

RepMet (Fine-Grained Classification + Few-Shot Detection)

Figure 2 from paper

"RepMet: Representative-based Metric Learning for Classification and One-shot Object Detection" extends upon magnet loss by storing the centroid as representations that are learnable, rather than just statically calculated every now and again with k-means. They also perform fine-grained classification, but also extend their work to perform few-shot object detection.


Tested with python 3.6 + pytorch 1.0 + cuda 9.1

We suggest using a virtual environment, and cuda

Also requires tensorboard, tensorflow, and tensorboardX

pip install tensorboard  # will install tensorflow CPU version as dependency first
pip install tensorboardX
  1. Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/HaydenFaulkner/pytorch.repmet.git
  1. Make a data and a models directory to store the data and models respectively.
cd pytorch.repmet
mkdir data
mkdir models


If wanting to use the detection pipeline you will need to compile the roi layers.

cd model_definitions/detectors/faster_rcnn  # change the working dir
setup.py build develop  # run the compiler via the setup.py file

The expected kind of output is shown in the setup.py file.



See classification/train.py for training the model, and the classification/experiments directory for the config .yaml files.


See detection/train.py for training the model, and the detection/experiments directory for the config .yaml files.


Datasets are automatically downloaded, organised and stored in the data directory when called.

This dataset contains 1623 different handwritten characters from 50 different alphabets. Each of the 1623 characters was drawn online via Amazon's Mechanical Turk by 20 different people. Images are greyscale and square 105 x 105 px.

Train: 82240 samples spanning 4112 classes (avg 20 per class)

Val: 13760 samples spanning 688 classes (avg 20 per class)

Test: 33840 samples spanning 1692 classes (avg 20 per class)

Note: Classes are mutually exclusive in the splits, for the few shot scenario.

This dataset contains images of flowers, covering 102 classes with each class consisting of between 40 and 258 images. Images are RGB with shortest edge being 500px.

Train: 1020 samples spanning 102 classes (avg 10 per class)

Val: 1020 samples spanning 102 classes (avg 10 per class)

Test: 6149 samples spanning 102 classes (avg 60 per class)

This dataset contains images of pet animals (cats and dogs), covering 37 classes with each class consisting of around 200 images. Images are RGB with different scales and ratios.

TrainVal: 3680 samples spanning 37 classes (avg 99 per class)

Test: 3669 samples spanning 37 classes (avg 99 per class)

This dataset contains images of 120 breeds of dogs with each class consisting of around 170 images. Images are RGB with different scales and ratios.

Train: 12000 samples spanning 120 classes (avg 100 per class)

No Val set

Test: 8580 samples spanning 120 classes (avg 71 per class)

This dataset is used for detection and contains images with bounding boxes marked out around 20 general object categories. Images are RGB with different scales and ratios.

2007 Train: 6301 samples (boxes) spanning 20 classes and 2501 images (avg 315 per class, 2 per image)

Val: 6307 samples (boxes) spanning 20 classes and 2510 images (avg 315 per class, 2 per image)

Test: 12032 samples (boxes) spanning 20 classes and 4952 images (avg 601 per class, 2 per image)

2012 Train: 13609 samples (boxes) spanning 20 classes and 5717 images (avg 680 per class, 2 per image)

Val: 13841 samples (boxes) spanning 20 classes and 5823 images (avg 692 per class, 2 per image)

Uses 2007 Test Set

Coming Soon


Training Behaviour

Time format: HH:MM:SS

GPU Used: GTX 980 Ti

GPU Memory calculation is approximate.

Prototypical Networks


Model (.yaml) Epochs Steps Total Time GPU Memory Line
protonets_1_5 100 10000 00:24:12 1.1 GB
protonets_5_5 100 10000 00:32:33 1.4 GB
protonets_1_20 100 10000 00:31:27 1.4 GB
protonets_5_20 100 10000 00:44:14 1.3 GB

Model checkpoints will be available soon

Magnet Loss

COMING SOON - Had some issues with training as backbone net unavailable.


Flowers (Training Set):

Model (.yaml) Epochs Steps Total Time GPU Memory Line
repmet_flowers_1_12_4 60 1500 00:32:17 1.1 GB
repmet_flowers_3_12_4 60 1500 00:33:45 1.3 GB
repmet_flowers_3_12_4_r18l 150 3750 01:28:26 3.5 GB
repmet_flowers_inc3F_1_12_4 150 3750 02:04:54 3.5 GB
repmet_flowers_inc3F_3_12_4 150 3750 01:59:57 3.5 GB
repmet_flowers_inc3L_1_12_4 150 3750 00:00:00 8.6 GB

Pets (Training Set):

Model (.yaml) Epochs Steps Total Time GPU Memory Line
repmet_flowers_1_12_4_r18F 100 2500 00:25:29 ?.? GB


These results are calculated with classification/evaluate.py

Prototypical Networks

Omniglot (Test Set):

Model (.yaml) Shot Way Orig. Paper This Code*
protonets_1_5 1 5 98.8% 98.81%
protonets_5_5 5 5 99.7% 99.56%
protonets_1_20 1 20 96.0% 94.81%
protonets_5_20 5 20 98.9% 98.51%

*One test run of 100 episodes

Model checkpoints will be available soon

Magnet Loss

COMING SOON - Had some issues with training as backbone net unavailable.


Flowers (Test Set):

Model (.yaml) Backbone PreTrained^ Frozen k m d Orig. Paper This Code*
repmet_flowers_1_12_4 Resnet18 true true 1 12 4 - 75.35%
repmet_flowers_3_12_4 Resnet18 true true 3 12 4 - 76.18%
repmet_flowers_3_12_4_r18l** Resnet18 true false 3 12 4 - 44.70%
repmet_flowers_inc3F_1_12_4 InceptionV3 true true 1 12 4 - 73.26%
repmet_flowers_inc3F_3_12_4 InceptionV3 true true 3 12 4 - 73.25%
repmet_flowers_inc3L_1_12_4 InceptionV3 true false 1 12 4 - %
repmet_flowers_inc3LU_1_12_4 InceptionV3 false false 1 12 4 - %
repmet_flowers_3_12_4_inc3l InceptionV3 ? false 3 12 4 89.0% %

^From torchvision

*One test run of 500 episodes

**Currently overfits, investigating

Pets (Test Set):

Model (.yaml) Backbone Frozen k m d Orig. Paper This Code*
repmet_pets_r18F_1_12_4** Resnet18 true 1 12 4 - 84.95%
repmet_pets_3_12_4_inc3l InceptionV3 false 3 12 4 93.1% %

*One test run of 500 episodes

**No Validation set, so might be overfitting, will rerun with val

Model checkpoints will be available soon