
This is a Vanilla Javascript App using classes to create the entire Application. It has features such as: Adding, deleting and liking a card. Server-side validation, for the forms, for entering information.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project: Social App

view only desktop. Still in process as a full-stack


  • This Project is a vanilla javascript app. The entire code base is done using Javascript classes and the app has a few functionalities described below.
  • This app uses an external Api which mean that other users can add images and like the images
  • This app will consist of 3 different modals they will open accordingly one for editing the profile, one for adding an image to the DOM and one to display a bigger version of the image
  • This app uses an external Api, you will need a key to use it, with this key you can manipulate what you can do in the app. Ex: The trash button will only show if the cards belong to you as a the user, you will not be able to delete other users cards


  • The app allows the user to change information, and add a new user avatar
  • Allows users to add, delete, like. The user can only delete his own cards
  • This app also allows client side authentication to correctly input the required fields.
  • It uses the fetch Api to get data accordingly.


Image Image Image Image


  • The Technologies being used in this app are:
    • HTML, CSS
    • JavaScript Classes
    • Fetch
    • Webpack
    • Babel


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