
Functional Search app, that allows users to sign-up, log in and save news as well as delete them if they choose to

Primary LanguageJavaScript

News Explorer



To create a functional news search app, using up to date technologies and best practices in the field

This project is on Going a needs to be refactored using Typescript + Redux or Context


Key Concepts

  1. Allow user to search for news by keywords
  2. Allow user to sign up and authenticate if that username is not taken
  3. Allow user to login/logout
  4. Allow user to save news
  5. Allow user to delete news

Preview 3

User Requirement Specification

  • User Story #1 As a user, I should be able to see a landing page/Home page
  • User Story #2 As a user, I should be able to search without any errors
  • User Story #3 As a user, I should be able to sign up and sign in with authentication validated
  • User Story #4 As a user, I should be able to save and delete news


System Requirement Specification

  • The application shall allow users to see news based on search.
  • The application should allow user to see their saved news


  • Homepage
  • News Search
  • Singin
  • Singup
  • Change User name
  • [ ]

Used Stack and to be Incorporated

  • Backend

    • NodeJs
    • Express
    • Celebrate
    • Helmet
    • Validator
    • Mongoose
    • Express-rate-limit
    • Winston
    • JasonWebToken
    • Bcrypt
  • Frontend

    • React
    • React-Router-Dom
    • -react-hook-form (to be added)


  1. Open a terminal and clone the repo using the following command: git clone
  2. Install dependencies yarn
  3. Start the gatsby server yarn start
  4. Start breaking the code and have fun


The front-end is deployed HERE.