Domain Verification Techniques using DNS

This is the working area for the DNSOP Internet-Draft, "Domain Verification Techniques using DNS".


The repo uses Martin Thomson's I-D template.

Building the Draft

Formatted text and HTML versions of the draft can be built using make.

$ make

This requires that you have the necessary software installed. See the instructions. For this I-D, Markdown is the canonical source, so kramdown-rfc2629 is what I use. This must be installed in addition to the right version of make and xml2rfc (yay, software) - please check the SETUP doc for details.

Also note that main is the default and working branch.

Quick commands

Once you have everything set up correctly, the usual flow is:

$ make

This generates the .txt and .html outputs.

To automatically fix lints:

$ make fix-lint

Then do a git commit. Note that a git commit will typically fail if the lint check fails.


When you're ready to cut a new version, do:

make next # this generates the versioned doc
# Once you're happy with it, upload the XML file (generated in versioned/):
# Then, upload the new tag to GitHub
git tag draft-ietf-dnsop-domain-verification-techniques-03 # the version you just uploaded to datatracker
git push origin draft-ietf-dnsop-domain-verification-techniques-03

This is the manual process outlined in the I-D template docs.

Contributing Guidelines

See the guidelines for contributions.