
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


🛑 As of 2023-09-27, this project was deprecated by the new CC Legal Tools (cc-legal-tools-app, cc-legal-tools-data).

Python app that runs part of the license engine on CC's website


This repository is part of the ccEngine: cc-archive/cc.engine.


The python-librdf Ubuntu package must be installed manually (NOT python-rdflib, though having it shouldn't break anything), as it is not available through PyPI.


cc.license is available via git. To checkout a copy of the code, just run:

$ git clone git://code.creativecommons.org/cc.license

cc.license uses zc.buildout to manage dependencies. To bootstrap and install dependencies, run:

$ cd cc.license
$ python bootstrap.py
$ ./bin/buildout

Once the buildout is complete a bin/python wrapper script will be available which runs the Python interpreter with the dependencies and development directory on the Python path. You can use this interpreter to run the test suite:

$ ./bin/python setup.py nosetests