
Atom's default shortcuts

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Atom's default shortcuts


cmd-shift-p : open command palette
cmd-, : open settings alt-shift-S : See all available snippets for the file grammar


ctrl-space : Toggle autocomplete

Tree view

When focus on the tree view :
a : add file
m : move the file focus on
delete : delete the file focus on

cmd-\ : Hide/Show tree view
ctrl-0 : Focus on tree view

Open a file

cmd-p or cmd-t : search in all the project
cmd-b : search in the files currently opened
cmd-shift-b: search in the files which are new or have been modified since your last Git commit

Basics moves into files

cmd-g: Go to line cmd-r: search symbol in the file
cmd-shit-r : search symbol in all the project
alt-left : Move to beginning of word
alt-right : Move to end of word
cmd-left : Move to first character of line
cmd-right : Move to end of line
cmd-up : Move to top of file
cmd-down : Move to bottom of file


cmd-F2 : add bookmark on the current line
F2 : Go to bookmark in the same file
shift-F2 : Previous bookmark
ctrl-F2 : See all bookmark of the project


cmd-l : Select the entire line
cmd-d: when a word selected, hit this command in order to select the other same word
cmd-j : Join the next line to the end of the current line
cmd-ctrl-up/down : Move the current line up or down
cmd-shift-d : Duplicate the current line
cmd-k cmd-u : Upper case the current word
cmd-k cmd-l : Lower case the current word
ctrl-t : Transpose characters. This swaps the two characters on either side of the cursor.

Deleting and Cutting

ctrl-shift-k : Delete current line
alt-Backspace or alt-h : Delete to beginning of word
alt-delete or alt-d : Delete to beginning of word
cmd-delete : Delete to end of line
ctrl-K : Cut to end of line
cmd-backspace : Delete to beginning of line

Multiple Cursors and Selections

cmd-click : Add a new cursor at the clicked location
ctrl-shift-up/down : Add another cursor above/below the current cursor
cmd-D : Select the next word in the document that is the same as the currently selected word
cmd-ctrl-g : Select all words in the document that are the same as the currently selected word cmd-shift-l : Convert a multi-line selection into multiple cursors


cmd-k+arrow : Split editor
cmd-k+cmd-arrow : Focus on the selected panes


cmd-alt-z : checks out the HEAD revision of the file
alt-g - Up/Down : Go to the previous/next changing in the file

Navigate by symbols

cmd-alt-down : Go to declaration
cmd-shit-r : search symbol in all the project Need to install ctags and run a command (see link below)

Others useful

ctrl-shift-l : Change language of the current file
ctrl-shift-m : Markdown preview
cmd-: Correct misspelling
cmd-alt-s : Save all the open files
ctrl-. : Key bind resolver