
Amazing how far you can go with Expo Go

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Expo MNIST Digit Recognition

A React Native application that recognizes handwritten digits using a neural network trained on the MNIST dataset. The app includes a real-time visualization of the neural network's decision-making process.

It uses the following libraries:

  • React Native Skia for rendering the Network and the digit
  • React Native Reanimated for animating everything
  • React Native Gesture Handler for drawing the digit

Everything runs magically on Expo Go and on the Web at mnist.reactiive.io.

I was strongly inspired by this Brilliant demo: Network Visualization

Finding the proper weights (PRs are welcome 🤗)

The generated weights are given in the find-weights folder. I included them in the repo for convenience. They are generated using the Python script in the find-weights folder.

The find-weights.py script:

  1. Loads the network configuration from network.config.json
  2. Loads and preprocesses the MNIST dataset:
    • Converts images to binary (0 and 1)
    • Adds a "none" class with empty samples
    • Converts labels to one-hot encoding
  3. Builds and trains a neural network with:
    • 2 hidden layers using configurations from network.config.json
    • Adam optimizer and categorical crossentropy loss
    • 5 training epochs
  4. Saves the trained weights to model_weights.json
  5. Generates example images and matrices for each digit (0-9) and the "none" class

To run the script:

  1. Set up a Python virtual environment (recommended):

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use: venv\Scripts\activate
  2. Install the required dependencies:

    cd find-weights
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the script:

    python find-weights.py