What is Alfresco SPK

Alfresco SPK is a toolset that can be used by stack operators (Devops/Architects/Engineers, Support, QA, Sales, Marketing, ...) to define stacks locally (first) and run them anywhere (later); it sits on top of existing technologies (ChefDK, Vagrant, Packer) and implements a modular, testable, consistent development workflow for Alfresco software provisioning.

Check Alfresco Day presentation to know more about Alfresco SPK


Instance template

A JSON file that contains provisioning configurations related to a single node of an Alfresco stack; instance templates are resolved via URL, that can point to a local or remote file.

Instance templates are Chef nodes that contain all configurations - also known as Chef attributes - that are involved in the instance provisioning, for example the Alfresco admin password, the db host, the amps to install and much (much) more.

Alfresco SPK provides a list of pre-defined instance-templates that are used by the sample stacks; attributes are defined, along with its defaults, by chef-alfresco.

Stack template

A JSON file that describes a stack in terms of instances.

Stack templates are resolved via URL, that can point to a local or remote file. The default stack template is defined in stack-templates/community-allinone.json, though the stack-templates folder aims to host many more examples.

You can use any stack template you want, either locally or remotely:

export STACK_TEMPLATE_URL=file://$PWD/stack-templates/enterprise-clustered.json

Each instance defined in a stack template is composed by the following items.

Instance template reference

A URL link that resolves an instance template (described above):

  "alfresco-allinone" : {
    "instance-template" : {
      "url" : "file://$PWD/instance-templates/allinone-community.json",
      "overlay" : {
        "alfresco" : {
          "properties" : {
            "dir.contentstore" : "/vagrant/.vagrant/alf_data",
            "db.host" : ""

URL can be resolved locally or remotely.

The overlay element contain local configurations that are merged into the instance template; as such, the syntax is the same used by instance templates.

Configuration overlays can be specified in JSON or YAML formats; the latter is easier to define within inline scripts, avoiding the need to escape " chars:

  "alfresco-allinone" : {
    "instance-template" : {
      "url" : "file://$PWD/instance-templates/allinone-community.json",
      "overlayYamlUrl" : "file://$PWD/yaml-overlays/allinone.yml"

This snippet was taken from community-allinone.json stack template and uses allinone.yml as YAML overlay.

Vagrant-related configurations

Used to run the stack locally; for example, memory and cpu control the resources allocated by Vagrant to run the instance.

  "alfresco-allinone" : {
    "local-run" : {
      "memory" : "2048",
      "cpus" : "2"
      "ip" : ""

Image configurations

Used to create images based on instance template configurations; the images item defines

  • builders; they define the nature(s) of the image(s) that you want to build; currently, the only builder implemented and extensively tested is amazon-ebs (which produces an AMI), though there have been successes for OVF and Docker images too (WIP); any Packer builder can be easily integrated
  • provisioners; by default, the only provisioner needed is chef-solo, which basically runs the same provisioning logic that runs locally; however, you can extend this list with more Packer provisioners of your choice
  • variables; for each entry, a Packer variable is defined; variables can be used by provisioners and builders using the following syntax:
{{user `this is my property`}}

Below a configuration example that builds an allinone image:

  "alfresco-allinone" : {
    "images" : {
      "provisioners" : {
        "chef-solo" : "file://$PWD/packer/chef-solo-provisioner.json"
      "builders" : {
        "amazon-ebs" : "file://$PWD/packer/amazon-ebs-builder.json"
      "variables" : {
        "ami_description" : "Alfresco Community 5.1.c-EA - Allinone Server - {{timestamp}}",
        "ami_name" : "Alfresco Community 5.1.c-EA - Allinone Server - {{timestamp}}"


Configure Vagrant

Vagrant needs some additional plugins:

vagrant plugin install vagrant-omnibus
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant plugin install json-merge_patch

Development Workflow

Checkout the project

To start using the Alfresco SPK, first you need to checkout (and cd into) this project:

git clone https://github.com/Alfresco/alfresco-spk.git
cd alfresco-spk

Running locally

Assuming that you defined $STACK_TEMPLATE_URL with the proper JSON stack definition, in order to spin up the entire stack locally using Vagrant, just type vagrant up

This will create a Vagrant Machine for each instance that composes the stack.

Assuming that you've run your stack locally and you're happy with the instance template definitions, you can proceed with one (or both) of the following options:

Building Immutable images

Create one or more immutable images for each of the instances involved in a given stack; instance templates will be used to dictate the provisioning configuration, whereas Local Variables - as mentioned above - will be ignored.

To create the images:

vagrant up build-images

As above, you can select the stack template using:

export STACK_TEMPLATE_URL=file://$PWD/stack-templates/enterprise-clustered.json

An image will be created for each instance and builder; for example, if you create images for the enterprise-clustered.json stack, using amazon-ebs and docker as builders, you'll get 4 images created.

WIP - Build Docker images

cd docker
vagrant up

Integrating with AWS (or any other packer-supported builder)

When AMIs are (or not) in place and provisioning logic have been tested locally, it is possible to configure other orchestration tools and/or Cloud providers in order to spin up the same stack remotely.

Alfresco SPK provides a chef-bootstrap.sh that can be used to easily integrate with the orchestration tool of your choice; below we provide an integration example using AWS Cloudformation (and UserData attribute)


  public_hostname: '{"Fn::GetAtt": ["ElasticLoadBalancer","DNSName"]}'

ruby chef-bootstrap.rb

The expression {"Fn::GetAtt": ["ElasticLoadBalancer","DNSName"]} is Cloudformation-specific and reads the DNSName value of an ElasticLoadBalancer instance defined in the same Cloudformation template.

Custom parameters

You can optionally override the following variables:

DOWNLOAD_CMD="curl --silent"



Example of custom values

export COOKBOOKS_URL="https://artifacts.alfresco.com/nexus/service/local/repositories/snapshots/content/org/alfresco/devops/chef-alfresco/0.6.8-SNAPSHOT/chef-alfresco-0.6.8-20151104.130154-30.tar.gz"
export STACK_TEMPLATE_URL=file://$PWD/stack-templates/enterprise-clustered.json

Access the boxes

vagrant ssh alfresco-share1

Check stack templates for private IP used to run it locally; Share services run on port 80.

Using Alfresco Enterprise

In order to use an enterprise version, you must pass your artifacts.alfresco.com credentials as follows:


This approach works for local, remote run and image creation (read above how to export variables on a remote run)


To enable Vagrant debug mode:


To enable Packer debug mode:

export PACKER_OPTS=-debug

If you want to check if VirtualBox is still running from previous attempps run

ps aux | grep VirtualBoxVM
ps aux | grep Vbox

To reset your local environment, run the following command

vagrant destroy -f && killall VBoxSVC && rm -Rf .vagrant *.lock