
A simple navigation app to demonstrate routing in Flutter

Primary LanguageDart

Simple Flutter Navigation Demo


A simple navigation app to demonstrate routing in Flutter

Based on a tutorial by London App Brewery on Linkedin Learning


Finished App

What you need to run this code


  1. macOS (64-bit)
  2. At least 2.8 GB Disk Space
  3. bash, curl, git, mkdir, rm, unzip & which


  1. Windows 7 SP1 or later (64-bit), x86-64 based
  2. At least 1.32 GB Disk Space
  3. Windows PowerShell > 5.0
  4. Git for Windows

How to run this code

  1. Clone this repository, and cd into it
  2. Run flutter pub get to install the required dependencies
  3. Make sure you have a device, simulator or emulator set up
  4. Run flutter run

It is recommended to follow Flutter's documentation on installing and running the app

What you can run this code on

This application can be compiled and launched on the following platforms:

  1. iOS Physical Device
  2. iPhone Simulator
  3. Android Physical Device
  4. Android Simulator

Instructions for all can be found on Flutter's Documentation