- Nutritional assistant
- Work in Progress
- Personalized Chat responses
- Telegram messages by users and groups
- Speak messages
- RaspberryPI compatibility connected by bluetooth with Alexa echo DOT
- Crypto Trading (Use at your own risk)
- Supported cryptos
- Smart alerts and monitor
- Based in Bayes Theorem
- Market Analyze
- Calculate main trading indicators
- Moving Average
- Squeeze Momentum
- Calculate main trading indicators
- Graphs
- Visualize indicators
- Simulations and backtesting
- Scan back 15 days
- 91% - 99% gains adjusting simulation for best start point
- Supported cryptos
The project is based in the next convention:
Version: 1.2.3`
- 1.- Important changes
- 2.- Continous Improves
- 3.- Bug fixes
- Python 3.7 +
- RaspberryPi 3 + - TriggerCMD for automated tasks and syncs
- MySQL Server
- Alexa
- Telegram Bot
- Static IP and Router configuration
- Linux host
In root directory create a .env file with:
# MySQL Credentials
DB_USER='your user'
DB_PASS='your pass'
DB_NAME='your name'
DB_HOST='your host'
# Regional settings
# Telegram access
telegram_users = 'string separated with comma'
telegram_token_bot = 'your token'
# Bot settings
bot_name = 'bot_name'
In root, rename alembic_conf.ini and update sqlalchemy.url
change to alembic.ini
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
For ubuntu requiere
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mpg123
alembic revision --autogenerate -m "first migration"
alembic upgrade head
Run program
python main.py
Contribute to make the best virtual assistant bot for raspberry pi and python
- Contact me @eocode in social media
- See the issue list
- Clone this project and add your contributions
- Send me a pull request
Version 3, 29 June 2007