
Primary LanguageErlang

Accompanying exercises for the Future Learn course 'Functional Programming in Erlang' with Prof. Simon Thompson (https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/functional-programming-erlang/)

Handy resources:

Online Erlang REPL available here: https://repl.it/

Learn You ... book: https://learnyousomeerlang.com/

Brujo Benavides' blog: https://medium.com/erlang-battleground, https://medium.com/@elbrujohalcon Guidelines : https://github.com/inaka/erlang_guidelines
(some inspirations : https://github.com/inaka/rpsls/blob/85f6621cfa55a803edf9c2a9fd43901415b9ba80/src/rpsls.erl#L135-L155)

Details of the BEAM : https://github.com/happi/theBeamBook

Adopting Erlang book: https://adoptingerlang.org/ https://github.com/adoptingerlang/adoptingerlang "Adopting Erlang is an ongoing effort to gather all the resources that will help you use Erlang in a business. The booksite is divided in three sections focusing particularly on Erlang/OTP’s higher level concepts in the current open source ecosystem, how to use it in production (while setting up a pipeline for continuous development and delivery), and how to build a team when you’re starting from scratch"

Erlang In Anger: https://github.com/heroku/erlang-in-anger

Erlang Master Class vid series w/ Prof Thompson : https://www.cs.kent.ac.uk/ErlangMasterClasses/

" As an additional resource to the official docs, I cannot recommend the https://spawnedshelter.com/ enough; made by Federico Carrone (of https://notamonadtutorial.com/ fame) and Manuel Olmos. There you will find a curated list of tutorials, books (like Fred Hebert's and Simon Thompson's), videos, etc. on Erlang and the BEAM. "






Debugging One of the course participants highly recomments this debugger: https://github.com/massemanet/redbug " Personally I don't agree that a debugger is not needed. When I'm working on someone else's code, which I do a lot, the first thing I do is install redbug (https://github.com/massemanet/redbug). It makes it very straightfoward to monitor what the code does in the real world and it's much much easier to use than the Erlang debug http://erlang.org/doc/man/dbg.html "