Drupal User Guide Tests

This project consists of the configuration necessary to set up a DDEV-Local (Docker) environment for executing the tests in the https://www.drupal.org/project/user_guide_tests code. These tests validate the steps in the Drupal User Guide. As well as generate screenshots in various languages for the guide.


  • Install DDEV-Local
  • Clone this repository
  • Execute ddev start from the root directory
  • Followed by ddev composer install

Running the tests

ddev exec ./vendor/bin/phpunit --verbose -c web/core/ web/modules/contrib/user_guide_tests/tests/src/FunctionalJavascript/

While the tests are running you can visit https://user-guide-tests.ddev.site:7900 (password: secret) to watch them run in Chrome.


In addition to a standard Drupal 9 + DDEV-Local setup this project provides an additional Docker container with Chrome & Firefox installed and configuration for executing Drupal's functional test suite. The user_guide_tests project consists of a number of tests that step through the same process as outlined in the Drupal User Guide tutorials and generates language specific screenshots in the process.