
Primary LanguageJavaScript


WPND is a command line tool that provisions a working local WordPress development setup using nodejs and docker (with experimental support for podman). There's an expectation that NodeJS and your container engine of choice is also pre-installed.

A quick test dev environment using config defaults can be spun off leveraging npx by running the following command;

npx --package=wpnd@latest wpnd start


WPND itself is packaged as a NodeJS package, whilst it can be used as a globally installed package, but it's probably better to use it as local installed package so switching versions is easy and your project experience is consistent across machines.

Ideally WPND expects a src directory that mirrors the directory structure for wp-content, the only difference here is said src directory would only contain the functionality being prototyped. So, for example when creating a theme, a theme directory is created in the specified project src directory.

One might then provision an environment for the project, by running the start command wpnd provides. it's also possible to make customizations to the provisioned environment and inform wpnd of deviations from the default project structure expectations by specifying a config file. Checkout the playground here for ideas on structuring your project.

Config Files

WPND currently supports a wpnd.config.json file. It is expected to be in the project working directory, adjacent to the project src directory. An alternative path to the config file might could be provided with --config <file> option, when this is done the resolution of the srcDir and distDir will be relative to the containing directory of the config file.

Config Options

Property Description Type Default
name Name of container that will be created for project string
distDir Name of custom directory where artifact required for wpnd will be stored string .wpnd
srcDir Name of directory contain the theme/plugins we intend to develop string src
engine Container engine to use to provision environment string docker
environment.port value at which the wordpress installation should be available at string 8085
environment.db.name specifies the name of the database to use, if it doesn't exist it will be created string exampledb
environment.db.user specifies the user that should be attached to said database string exampleuser
environment.db.password provides the password to the database in question string examplepass
environment.skipEngineCheck When enabled, a check is performed to ensure the user actually has the container engine specified boolean false
environment.rebuildOnStart Determines if the docker image in use should be rebuilt on every start boolean false
wpackagist Specify themes or plugins from wpackagist to be bundled by default in the provision environment,
config follows the same definition that would be specified in a composer config file
object {}