A progressive Node.js framework for building efficient and scalable server-side applications.
Nest framework TypeScript starter repository.
$ npm install
# development
$ npm run start
# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev
# production mode
$ npm run start:prod
# unit tests
$ npm run test
# e2e tests
$ npm run test:e2e
# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov
Nest is an MIT-licensed open source project. It can grow thanks to the sponsors and support by the amazing backers. If you'd like to join them, please read more here.
- Author - Kamil Myśliwiec
- Website - https://nestjs.com
- Twitter - @nestframework
Nest is MIT licensed.
In the app path
docker build -t reservations -f . ../../
docker tag reservations europe-southwest1-docker.pkg.dev/sleeper-399616/reservations/production
docker image push europe-southwest1-docker.pkg.dev/sleeper-399616/reservations/production
kubectl create secret docker-registry gcr-json-key --docker-server=europe-southwest1-docker.pkg.dev --docker-username=_json_key --docker-password="$(cat ../sleeper-399616-b30516f4bfd3.json)"
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name":"gcr-json-key"}]}'
kubectl create deployment reservations --image=europe-southwest1-docker.pkg.dev/sleeper-399616/reservations/production --dry-run=client -o yaml>deployment.yaml
helm install sleeper ./helm
# restart
kubectl rollout restart deployment reservations
# describe
kubectl describe pod reservations-5df4567864-vgktm
kubectl create deployment reservations --image=europe-southwest1-docker.pkg.dev/sleeper-399616/reservations/production --dry-run=client -o yaml>deployment.yaml
kubectl create secret generic mongodb --from-literal=connectionString=mongodb+srv://sleeprexercise:L0oWcn8vEIxjRBgN@sleeper.x1idyew.mongodb.net
kubectl create secret generic google --from-literal=clientSecret=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 --from-literal=refreshToken=1//04FXb31Q-y_xVCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9IrMiP4IrMWsi80dmjFUYftvT0HipTmoVLsamLn3PyeOzGQLT4wCiWpWcAAjpdCBUrLlTc
kubectl create secret generic stripe --from-literal=apikey=sk_test_51Nrj5BJR7taSez6mOfkB3mtIUQP7LkugMYBlzgn99rXmMnZDGiglzDhSsjULpGBW8RKdPdaspc8waCbjicQ5OPSp00E4OtsVvF
external ip
kubectl create service nodeport reservations --tcp=3004 --dry-run=client -o yaml > service.yaml
internal ip
kubectl create service clusterip auth --tcp=3002,3003 --dry-run=client -o yaml > service.yaml
kubectl config get-contexts
# select cluster
kubectl config use-context
# create secret
kubectl get secret stripe -o yaml > stripe.yaml
kubectl get secret google -o yaml > google.yaml
kubectl get secret stripeapi -o yaml > stripeapi.yaml
kubectl get secret mongodb -o yaml > mongodb.yaml
# change context and create secrets
kubectl create -f stripe.yaml
echo -n '1//04D1TSm7QAkbCgYIARAAGAQSNwF-L9IraRVltpVzWwKabtM3MELP7yKd9n5l9xmX4qzAthGJv8fAFA5OG96762b8ppVxSg4PS_g' | base64
kubectl edit secret google
esc dd (delete line)
esc o (add new line)
esc x (save and exit)
kubectl rollout restart deployment notifications