LinkedIn Venice Playground

This repository contains a sample project to access LinkedIn Venice using a Java program.

Key points about the writer side:

  • it uses a twaked version of the VeniceSystemProducer that is the Apache Samza writer
  • it uses the INCREMENTAL push mode

Key points about the reader:

  • it uses the standard venice-thin-client API, that is based on HTTP

This repository also contains a very simple Pulsar IO Sink that allows Pulsar users to ingest data to Venice.

Build Venice from source

git clone
cd venice
./gradlew publishToMavenLocal -Pversion=1.1-SNAPSHOT
cd docker

Start Pulsar standalone

Start Pulsar Standalone on localhost with Starlight for Kafka

git clone
cp running-venice-no-docker/pulsar

Start the cluster without using Docker

cd running-venice-no-docker
## copy the binaries from your Venice code directory

# open 3 terminals and run these commands

Init the store

Create the "store" and push some data (this will create the first version of the store):

cd pulsar-venice-sink

Start the Pulsar Sink


The script deploys the Sink on localhost

You can check the logs

tail -f  $PULSARHOME/logs/functions/public/default/venice/venice-0.log 

Generate Data To Pulsar

Use the WriteKeyValue java file to generate data to the people Follow the logs on the Sink

Read the data from Venice

You can use MainReader and set these values

String storeName = "test-store-persons";
String[] keys = {"name0"};