
Multi-user event plugin for symfony

Primary LanguagePHP

dakEventsPlugin - event management for symfony

dakEventsPlugin is a fullfledged multi-user event management software for the [Symfony framework] sf v. 1.4.

It contains modules for a frontend application and a backend application. The frontend also includes an api module, so that, if enabled, third parties can pull out events from specific arrangers, locations, festivals and/or categories.

This plugin is a pluginification of the test project kvarteret_symfony_events

What is kvarteret? See kvarteret.no

In addition to symfony 1.4, this project forces you to use [Doctrine 1.2] dt as ORM for symfony (if you don't know what Doctrine is, you're already using it in symfony). Please see symfony's tutorials.

It is assumed that you already have setup a symfony project with a backend application and a frontend application.

It also requires you to use:

Install them from stock using symfony's

php symfony plugin:install <nameOfPlugin>

or use their bleeding edge versions on git or svn. Install them before you install this plugin.

HTMLPurifier should be installed in the projects lib/vendor/ directory under the name htmlpurifier.

FullCalendar should be installed in the web-directory, create a folder called fullcalendar in both js/ and css/. Put fullcalendar.js and fullcalendar.min.js in js/fullcalendar/ and fullcalendar.css in css/fullcalendar/

You should remark that FullCalendar depends on jQuery and that you should set jQuery to load in your layout.php in both backend and frontend.

After that, add the following section to your project's config/autoload.yml.

# Autoload mechanism for HTMLPurifier
    name:       htmlpurifier
    path:       %SF_LIB_DIR%/vendor/htmlpurifier/library
    recursive:  on

If the autoload.yml file doesn't exist, create it and put in

# Autoload mechanism for HTMLPurifier
    name:       htmlpurifier
    path:       %SF_LIB_DIR%/vendor/htmlpurifier/library
    recursive:  on

Currently you have to use the git version on github. If you either use the download option or the git version, it has to be installed in your symfony project's plugins directory, as all other symfony plugins.

For git, go to your plugins directory and issue the command

git clone https://github.com/eoma/dakEventsPlugin dakEventsPlugin

Then edit your config/ProjectConfiguration.class.php and add


at the end of the setup method.

You must then create the folder thumbs and uploads in the web/ directory and set them to be writable by the web server. (you can use chmod a+rwx web/thumbs and chmod a+rwx web/uploads, although not recommended as it gives everyone write permission).

Recommended modules for use in a frontend application:

  • dakApi
  • dakEvent
  • dakFestival
  • dakArranger
  • dakCategory
  • dakLocation
  • sfImageTransformator

It's recommended that you enable every module as they link to each other. You cam omit the dakApi module, for the moment.

They register the (relative) path /api, /event, /festival and so forth.

They can be referenced through the path name dak_event, dak_api, dak_festival and so forth. Have a look at config/routing.yml

Add each of these to the enabled_modules for the all environment in the frontend application's settings.yml

  #Enabled modules
  - dakEvent
  - dakFestival
  - dakArranger
  - dakCategory
  - dakLocation
  - sfImageTransformator

If you want to use internationalisation (i18n) you can set, in frontend's config/settings.yml:

    # Default charset
    charset: utf-8

    # Default culture
    default_culture: en

    # Enable internationalization of interface
    i18n: true

    # Standard helpers
    standard_helpers: [Partial, Cache, I18N]

Change culture to your own taste. (eg. no for norwegian, fr for french, etc.)

Recommended modules for use in backend application:

  • dakEventAdmin
  • dakFestivalAdmin
  • dakArrangerAdmin
  • dakCategoryAdmin
  • dakLocationAdmin
  • sfImageTransformator

Additional (not complete) modules:

  • dakLocationReservationAdmin

See frontend on how to enable these modules.

Each of these modules can be referenced through the routes dak_event_admin, dak_festival_admin, dak_arranger_admin and so forth.

Each of these modules use a bit of javascript, jQuery, so it has to be defined in the backend's view.yml or layout.php

It's recommended that you set the backend to be secure by default, but you've probably did that already, as it's assumed you've install the plugin sfDoctrineGuardPlugin.

Application settings

If you want to enable push updates, you should add these fields to your backend application app.yml:

all: dakEvents: pingOnUpdate: kvarteretWp: url: 'http://some-page/some/path/xmlrc.php' type: xmlrpc-wp user: admin pass: test methodName: dak.xmlrpc triggerOn: # will by default trigger on all updates arranger_id: [1] kvarteretPing: type: ping url: 'http://some-page/some/path/somePingHandler.php'