
Turn table into subfigure. More or less a hack atm, easy to incorporate to org-mode though

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


(use-package ox-latex-subfigure
  (setq org-latex-caption-above nil
        org-latex-prefer-user-labels t)
  :load-path "~/Dropbox/ProjectWeekends/lisp/ox-latex-subfigure/"
  :config (require 'ox-latex-subfigure))
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{subcaption}
#+NAME: fig:hello
#+CAPTION: Use figure/subfigure instead of tabular, remember to set =:environment=
#+ATTR_LATEX: :environment subfigure :width 0.4\textwidth :align c
| [[~/Desktop/figure_1.png]] | <<fig:hello_subfigure>> tttttt |
| zzzzz                      | [[~/Desktop/figure_1.png]]     |

Ordinary linking works as usual [[fig:hello]]; internal org-mode linking also work [[fig:hello_subfigure]] if one has org-latex-prefer-user-labels set to t.

\caption{\label{fig:hello_subfigure} tttttt}
Use figure/subfigure instead of tabular, remember to set \texttt{:environment}}
