
Provides simple, regular, thin, synchronous, asynchronous and minimal TCP/IP socket wrapper on Swift.

Primary LanguageSwift

WARNING According to Apple's guideline, accessing network socket using NSFileSHandle may cause some unknown failures. You still can do that, but I don't recommend it. Instead, use NSStream and CFStream or CFStreamCreatePairWithSocket. You still can use my library to make an established socket connection for those features. I will update code examples as soon as possible if I can make some time.


2015/01/19 Hoon H.

Provides simple, regular, thin, synchronous, asynchronous and minimal TCP/IP socket wrapper on Swift.

This just wraps BSD socket as is, and does not try to add any extra abstraction. I believe this can serve any applications, but I intended this for quicky apps.

How To Use

This is a single file library. TCPIPSocket.swift file into your project. Here's an example that performs an HTTP request.

	let	s	=	TCPIPSocket()
	let	f	=	NSFileHandle(fileDescriptor: s.socketDescriptor)

	s.connect(TCPIPSocketAddress(173, 194, 127, 231), 80)
	f.writeData(("GET / HTTP/1.0\n\n" as NSString).dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)
	let	d	=	f.readDataToEndOfFile()

	println(NSString(data: d, encoding: NSUTF8StringEncoding)!)

The TCPIPSocket class is the core. And it does not provide any I/O methods. Instead create and use NSFileHandle class to perform actual I/O.

Though this library is originally intended to provide synchronous interface, but also provides asynchronous I/O through NSFileHandle's asynchronous interface. See main.swift for example.


  • Swift 2.1.


  • No I/O functions. Unix can use same I/O functions for sockets and files. And there's no reason to add duplicated functions. Instead, use NSFileHandle class to perform I/O. If you have some existing codebase with NSFileHandle class, it will become available for free.

  • No DNS resolution. Do it yourself if you need it.

  • No any other socket mode. Strictly only for TCP/IP. No UDP, no raw, and no any other protocol I never have heard of its name in recent 10 years...


  • IPv6 support is a desired feature, but I have no time to work on it. It will be added when I feel need for it.

  • Some fundamental socket functions such as select. This also will be added when I feel need for it.

  • DNS resolution service. As a separated feature rather than a part of API.


Licensed under MIT license. This library is written by Hoon H., and hosted on Github.

Copyright(c) Hoon H.. All rights reserved.