
Wrapper to macOS global hot-key subsystem.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Eonil, 2018

Provides a way to hook into global key-combination. The feature has been existed in macOS from Carbon era, but never been exposed to Cocoa. Therfore, this library must use Carbon. Fortunrately, Apple is exposing required Carbon functions to Swift, this library could be written in Swift. And as exposed by Apple, in my opinion, they're willing to continue support for these functions.

How to Use

There're only two major types: HotKey and KeyCombo. HotKey is the manager object. You are supposed to use this object.

  1. Set HotKey.shared.delegate to your handler code.
  2. Make a KeyCombo instance and add it to HotKey.shared.

Here's an example to watch for a key-combo.

HotKey.shared.delegate = { k in print("Hot-key received: \(k)") }
try! HotKey.shared.watch(demoCommandA)

To unwatch a combo...

try! HotKey.shared.unwatch(demoCommandA)

Full example.

import Carbon
import Cocoa

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
    func applicationDidFinishLaunching(_ aNotification: Notification) {
        HotKey.shared.delegate = { k in print("Hot-key received: \(k)") }
        try! HotKey.shared.watch(demoCommandA)
    func applicationWillTerminate(_ aNotification: Notification) {
        try! HotKey.shared.unwatch(demoCommandA)
private let demoCommandA = KeyCombo(
            modifierFlags: [.command],
            keyCode: UInt16(kVK_ANSI_A))

Design Choices

  • Any detectable errors must be handled.

  • Any recoverable errors must be recovered implicitly.

  • Throw any irrecoverable errors.

  • If an error has been detected, irrecoverable, inhandlable, or innotifiable, then it must be reported at last resort. See Report type for details.

  • KeyComb is just a value to identify each key-combinations.

  • HotKey is the central manager, and the only reference-type which can absorb and emit messages. You are supposed to start from this class.


This library is mostly a Swift port of an Objective-C framework MASShortcut written by Vadim Shpakovski. Re-written as a Swift static library with minimal feature set. I think this is no problem because MASShortCut is licensed under "BSD 2-Clause" license.


Licensed under "MIT License". Contributions will also be under same license.