
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


2017/10/03 Hoon H.

Build Status

A value-type tree structure.

How to Use

var t = Tree<Int>(node: 111)
t.subtrees.append(Tree<Int>(node: 222))
t.subtrees[0].subtrees.append(Tree<Int>(node: 333))


This library supports SPM and pre-configured Xcode project.

Though this support build and running with SPM and Linux target, unit-tests won't be executed due to lack of PRGN implementation which is included in GameKit.


File name mainly follows major member name of its content. eq.swift and nq.swift are supposed to be ==.swift and !=.swift, but such names make troubles with SPM build, and avoided.


Licensed under "MIT License". Contributions becomes same license.