
🚂 Interruptible queuing system for closures

Primary LanguageSwift


CueKit 🚂

Interruptible queuing system for closures

on cue - a signal for action

Description 🏷

A way to run tasks one after the other. (with support for canceling tasks)

Problem 🤯

  • Hard to queue up tasks that needs to be preformed one after the other
  • Hard to unit-test network code
  • Async network code all over the place is hard to reason about and hard to make bug free
  • Features such as timeout and retry are hard to build into DispatchWorkItem or NSOperationQueue

Solution: 💊

  • Ability to add and remove items to the queue
  • The Queue should be able to be run from start to finish
  • Has tasks that can .start() and .stop() and has .onComplete() callback
  • Tasks should have the ability to support timeout and retry
  • The Queue should be able to paused/stopped, resumed/started, reset/canceled (⚠️️ resume is not supported, only cancel ⚠️️)
  • Queues should be able to be nested? Queues within queues? (maybe) (reach-goal, ⚠️️ not currently supported ⚠️️) 🤔


let networkTasks: [NetworkTask] = (0..<5).map { _ in // Create 5 network tasks
   .init { (_ value: Any?) in
      guard let strValue: String = (value as? Data)?.stringUTF8 else { XCTFail(); return }
      Swift.print("strValue:  \(strValue)")
} // For loop network task
let queue: Queue = .init()
queue.onComplete = {
   Swift.print("queue test completed ✅")
   expectation.fulfill() // If this line is called, then test passed
queue.enqueue(networkTasks) // Add tasks and begin executing

Todo: 📝

  • Look at pagination service project for mock-api inspo ✅
  • Take a look at TestRunner (it has FIFO style architecture) ✅
  • Add timeout callback? ✅ (would need to separate network and db transaction in one task, in order to cancel transaction if network task is not complete etc) (can use Dispatchueue with timeout ?)
  • Do research on other cancelable closures in swift. ✅ There should be another one in your dispatch research etc (DispatchWorkItem)
  • Do tests with timers and background calls etc ✅
  • Test with run, add and cancel buttons 👈
  • Explain some of the use cases
  • Maybe subclass NSOperation (investigation needed) see issues ✨
  • Add support for result type? instead of just Any?
  • Add hasNext() like TestRunner? 🚫