
Hashing of files (fast) 🧬

Primary LanguageSwift

Lang platform SPM compatible mit codebeat badge Tests

FileHasher 🧬

  • Produce small hash of files I.e: "173539113"
  • In contrast sha256 is very long: 235ef3f11f9d0d7e79c64c380f939b6b1c6c1ef7c34fceaa31075114c7280c49
  • Filehasher is very fast and makes persistant hashes across devices and sessions (unlike apples own)


  • SPM: .url("https://github.com/eonist/FileHasher.git"), .branch("master")


let fromFilePath: String = NSString(string: "~/Desktop/demo.mp3").expandingTildeInPath
guard let url = URL(fileURLWithPath: fromFilePath) else { Swift.print("err url"); return }
Swift.print("hash: \(FileHashUtil.truncatedHash(url: url))") // 173539113


  • Create problem solution statement in readme 👈