
Retrograde Analysis on smallBoard Go

Primary LanguageC++


GoStone --> GoBlock -> GoBoard

The game board, GoBoard are consists of GoBlocks, and GoBlock is consist of GoStones.

I do static allocation of GoBlocks and GoStone per GoBoard.

GoState is the interface to react between the saved states.

Zobrist Hash

The Z-Hash is used to check if the board position is repeated. In our small board analysis, Positional SuperKo is allowed, meaning that we only have to check whether there is a Ko in our move to determine whether the move is legal.

The Z-Hash is initially generated using GoFunction::CreateZobristHash, with fixed uint32_t seed = 0xdeadbeef;. We prepare Z-Hash for the every possible stone of appearance on the board, which includes "Empty"(0), "Black"(1), "White"(2).

1st Phase: Find all legal & reduced serial

Find all "legal & reduced" serial numbers for the given board size.

This phase I created a constructor that takes serial numbers in. It calles GoBoard::SetStone to place the stones onto the board without maintaining gaming details of the board. (so it is a modification version of GoBoard::Move). If anything eat or self-eat move happens when SetStone, the construction will end and the for-loop in FindAllPossibleSerial/main.cpp will go on to try the next serial number.


Actually not that many function is related in this phase, because I only want to initialize the board. However the correctness of this phase also have asserted that GoBlock and GoStone maintenance is bug-free.

Psuedo Code

  • For all possible serial...
    • GoBoard(serial)
      • Calls SetStone for each stone on the serial, which the GoStone is on position id
        • Create a new GoBlock
        • Get neighboring GoBlocks of id using GetNeighborBlocks
          • GetNeighborBlocks calls GetBlockIdByCoord for each neighboring position
            • GetBlockIdByCoord calls FindCoord, which stones are herded together using disjoint-set
        • If neighboring block is of the same color, call GoBlock::TryMergeBlock
        • If neighboring block is opponent and with only 1 liberty left, the construction fails (ERROR CODE -2)
        • If the merged block of my own have no liberty, then the construction fails (ERROR CODE -1)
        • After GoBlock::MergeBlock, use GoBoard::RecycleBlock to recycle the blocks.
    • If construction does not fail, we try RotateClockwise and do once FlipLR for every rotation.
      • If GetSerial returns numbers that is smaller than the current serial, then is should be reduce-able.
    • If it is not reduce-able, then we acccumulate an 1 bit onto the file
    • Else we accumulate a 0 bit onto the file.

Generating Data

By the master thesis, there are about 414.2G of states in a 5x5 board. I would save the 1 bit per state

  • If legel, an 1 bit will be appended
  • else , a 0 bit will be appended.

48.1G byte needed to save all the legal states.

2nd Phase: Find all possible Ko position

Taking the data generated from the previous phase, this part I would still generate data in a sparse manner. Meaning that for a illegal serial (represented as a 0 bit in 1st phase data), I would still output 4 bytes full zero for the serial number.

For a serial number, 4 bytes are used to record its possible Ko position. (LSB style) Meaning that if you fetch uint32_t x representing for this serial number, then ((x>>(id))&1) == 1 means that on position id there can be a Ko.

Also note that boards now all represent as a state where it is the black's turn. So for the checking I will view on available white blocks on the board.


Ko mainly distribute on corners or border lines.


Psuedo Code

  • For all legal serial (decoded from data saved in previous phase)
    • For all position of serial (saved in 32 bit)
      • If there is a ko position for this stone's neighbor
      • Set neighbor to a possible ko position
    • Write the 32 bit into buffer
  • When buffer is full, write to file

Generating Data

For each position, generate 32 bit record the ko positions. The 0th bit (least bit) represents for position id = 0. Checkout the data splitting in result/5x5.log for argument setting of next phase.