This repo contains a working version of the slack x86-64 app packaged as a flatpak.

The app builds on uses the runtime and the electron-flatpak-base-app. You will need both to build the app; they are available for install on Flathub.

Accessing $HOME

This app is sandboxed for higher security. If you absolutely need $HOME access for your Slack on your system, please use either

$ flatpak run --filesystem=home com.slack.Slack

to run Slack with temporary home access, or

$ sudo flatpak override --filesystem=home com.slack.Slack

to permanently set ~/ access for Slack.

I'm having incorrect timezone on messages

The timezone should be automatically detected, but seems to not be for some users. You can use

$ sudo flatpak override --env=TZ=[TIMEZONE] com.slack.Slack

to manually set the timezone for your Slack installation, where [TIMEZONE] is the TZ database name.

For example $ sudo flatpak override --env=TZ=Australia/Perth com.slack.Slack.