
The application sample code illustrates how to develop your own application.


Main Function Product Code Description
ADC M051 Measure_Internal_Temperature_Sensor Transform band-gap voltage through ADC7, and then use band-gap voltage to calculate ADC reference voltage. After that, use ADC7 to transform the value detected by a temperature sensor to calculate the voltage of temperature sensor.
Composite M051 SoftwareUART Use GPIO to create software UART if the number of hardware UART is insufficient. This example is to create UART protocol from GPIO through time interrupt.
Composite Mini51 DC_Fan_Speed_Control The fan speed is captured by Timer0 Capture, and then adjusted through PWM2.
I2C Mini51 Master_Slave_communication A master transfers data to a slave. That is, the master transfers the slave address to call the slave, and then sends the data address to the slave and keeps transmitting 10 data to the slave. The slave saves data in sequence to the data address. After the transmission, the master will start to read data; the master sends the slave address and data address to the slave, and gets 10 data back in sequence from the slave. At last, the master compares the received data with the original data for verification.
  PWM   Mini51 PWM_trigger_ADC_and_PWM_Brake_function PWM output is configured to trigger ADC, and can be stopped by brake function.
  SPI   NUC123 Dual_IO Speed up SPI Read/Write function by using Dual I/O.
  USBD NUC122 HID_Keyboard_Mouse_w_MultiMediakeys Support HID keyboard and mouse devices simultaneously. Add source code to control Multi-Media Keys and LEDs.
  USBD NUC122 Selective_Suspend Support USB Selective Suspend function:         1. Need to declare USB 2.0 device                     2. Add 0xee to String descriptor                       3. Support vender command                           4. Support Windows 8 or later            
  USBD NUC123 Vender_Command Vender command sends data through the control transfer. There are three steps: setup, data and status.