
Tipped: EOS Tip Bot for Telegram

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Introducing Tipped, an open-source tip bot to send and receive EOS using just your telegram account!

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/tip X EOS MEMO — Reply to a message with for example "/tip 0.1234 EOS :)" to tip a user!
/deposit - View deposit instructions containing your unique telegram ID.
/withdraw EOSACCOUNT AMOUNT SYMBOL [MEMO] - Withdraw to a EOS account.
/createaccount PUBLICKEY [ACCOUNTNAME] - Create an EOS account from telegram.
/balance - Check your balance.
/help - See this message again.


  1. nodejs8+
  2. yarn
  3. redis


  1. Modify config.json with your own information
  2. yarn start