

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

EOS Block Pay (eosio.bpay) Bun Test


The eosio.bpay contract handles system block pay distribution earned by fees.

graph TD
    eosio --> |System fees in EOS| eosio.fees
    eosio.fees --> |EOS Transfer| eosio.bpay
    eosio.bpay --> top{21 Producers}
    top --> bp1
    top --> bp2
    top --> bp...
    top --> bp20
    top --> bp21

Development and Testing

Build Instructions

To compile the contract, developers can use the following command:

$ cdt-cpp eosio.bpay.cpp -I ./include

Testing Framework

The contract includes a comprehensive testing suite designed to validate its functionality. The tests are executed using the following commands:

$ npm test

> test
> bun test