
Fast, simple array functions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Fast, simple array functions.

On Node.js, Chrome and Safari, performance is about x10 compared with regular array functions.


$ npm run compile


$ npm run benchmark

See history here


$ npm test


// example:
const fastFunc = require('fast-func')
fastFunc.map([1, 2, 3], num => num * 2) // -> [2, 4, 6]

.map(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.map except it runs from right->left and only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index). Use mapIdx if index is needed as a second argument.

.mapIdx(array, iteratee) Like .map, but also invokes the iteratee with index as second argument.

.every(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.every except it runs from right->left and only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index).

.some(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.some except it runs from right->left and only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index).

.forEach(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.forEach except it only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index). It iterates left->right to keep compatibility with native forEach and avoid confusion.

.forEachIdx(array, iteratee) Like .forEach, but also invokes the iteratee with index as second argument.

.filter(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.filter except it only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index). It iterates left->right to keep compatibility with native filter and avoid confusion.

.find(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.find except it only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index). It iterates left->right to keep compatibility with native find and avoid confusion.

.findUniq(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.find except it only invokes the iteratee with each item (not index) and iterates right->left.

.findIndex(array, iteratee) Like native Array.prototype.findIndex.

.reduce(array, iteratee, accumulator) Like native Array.prototype.reduce.

.reduceRight(array, iteratee, accumulator) Like native Array.prototype.reduceRight.