
One filed GTA SA:MP Gamemode, featuring unique mechanism

Primary LanguagePawnApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

[EO] Los Santos Cops and Robbers

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								Los Santos EO_Cops And Robbers
								   by Eoussama A.K.A Compton


This is an ongoing project, started on 15/10/2016 (approximately), I'll try to update the gamemode reguraly, This is a free to use gamemodee, but in one condition, do no try to sell it or make any financial gains from it, The only reason this was created, is to let people share it and play with friends, Please, if you plan to use this gamemode, Just include the credits!


Credits first, because they are inmportant,
Scripter 	  : Oussama, A.K.A Compton
a_samp		  : SA-MP Team
YSI and sscanf2  : Y_less
Whirlpool	  : Y_Less
Progress2	  : Created by Fl�vio Toribio: flavio_toribio@hotmail.com, Now maintained by Southclaw
Streamer 	  : Incognito
iZCMD	  	  : Originnaly developed by Zeex
Zones    	  : Cueball
Dialogs  	  : Gammix

Attachements FS  : Richie
TextMenu	  : Jelly23


newest features

  • new Gang Zone System (reate gang zones in game, zones are captured via /capture)
  • new Gang system(create gang in game, with leaders and gang rank, gang ranks can be gained by capturing areas)
  • new a new row added to /cmds conserning gang commands)
  • new CJ's ped animation added
  • new Costum error command
  • new You can now roc as well by pressing LEFT_ALT
  • new LOTTO System
  • new Music when joining the server
  • Change Few strings were extended
  • Change Shop robbing animation changed to a different one
  • Change Hostname will change according to you server's name and version
  • Change /Rconcdsm is now more adjusted and clear
  • Change atmslots will display only the first 10 empty slots for memoty optimazation + the total available slots
  • Change Only regular player can use /afk
  • Fix Clukin' bell title bug fixed
  • Fix /setskill bug fixed
  • Fix Illegal trucking deligvery mission bug fixed
  • Fix /shopcount for approppriate admin level
  • Fix /playerveh will only work for admin level 3 or above
  • Fix Many Bug fixes
 SQLite Based
 Donut shop for cops (/eatdonut gives you health, /donuts displays how much donuts you have left)
 GPS system added, it will only work when you enter a car, /gps
 Log System, almost every important individual will be saved in sorted diffirent Logs located at (/ScriptFiles/Logs), Available logs are (AdminCommands: will store admins actions like /kick /warn /mute /slap.... | Reports: Will store all player reports | Registrations: Will store all accounts registrations | Bans: Will store all /ban and /unban actions | Events: Will store all event information | Players Will store Player Connect/Disconnect actions | Gamemode_History: Will store Saving and gamemode executing actions)
 A simple Camera slide animation added on the login in interface
 Tax system (VIP level 4 will not pay, Level 3 0.92, Level 2 0.86, Level 1 0.80, normal players 0.75) players with less than $500 will not pay
 Police management point (where you can equipe guns or go undercovered, or get spikes and roadblocks)
 AFK system (use /afk to go and get back from being afk)
 XP Counter (textdraw based) at the right corner at the botom of the screen)
 Tax system (VIP level 4 will not pay, Level 3 0.92, Level 2 0.86, Level 1 0.80, normal players 0.75) players with less than $500 will not pay
 AFK system (use /afk to go and get back from being afk)
 Fishing system(fishing stor to buy baits and sell your fish, fishing stands at santa maria beach)
 Houses can be robbed now(stand at the entrance, and type /robhouse)
 Trucking system( you can shose between legal and illegal missions)
 Animations (/anims)
 Event system(eventcmds)
 bank robbery system, you need 5 members, (leader, hacker, driver, robber, dztonator), first go to the robbery hideout,
 located in a factory in blueberry, next, the leader must stand at the planing table, while other 4 players, must stand at a role point,
 for exemple, if you want to be a driver, stand in the checkpoint that says "driver" and so on, then the leader of the crew must start the robbery by using /rpanel, then chose "bank robbery"
 after that, the team must head to the bank, the hacker will hack the storage door (/decrypt), then the detonator will blow up the safe door (/blowup), then the robber must get in the safe, and use (/robbank) on all the four checkpoints inside the safe,
 after that, the crew must return to the driver, the driver must be in a car, when all the team enters in the car, the driver should deliver the car to the robbery hideout, park it inside (in a checkpoint in the corner) then type /rveh, the money will be devided evenly

 3 Drug houses (map icons/3d text labels/ pickups/ checkpoints/ balanced locations)
 You can only plant dryg seed at a specific place, see the location here
 A brand-new Skill "Drug Dealer" => Can sell drugs to players, or harvest drugs and sell them at the drug house
 Drugs prices can be changed in the Configuration section (see bellow)
 More accurate states saving
 ATM System (Create ATMs in game, see more via /rconcmds
 Bank System (Balance, Withdraw and Diposite function)
 A brand-new Skill "Hacker" => can Hack/Rob ATMs (50% the robbery will succed, the other 50% you will get a critical electrick shoke, when robbery is completed, you gain hack points)
 A brand-new Skill "Transported" => Deliver Stolen sport cars, when the delivery is completed, you gain driving points
 A Quick section in the gamemode file, I would like to call "CONFIGURATION PANEL", It helps change some information in the server without making a mess in the code itself
 XP points (are used to unlock Classes like ARMY and FBI)
 Store Robbery system (via /robshop, When robbery is completed, you gain Rob points
 Multi Classes (Army, FBI, Cops, Civilians)
 Server Bot (Random messages every specific ammount of time [general gameplay messages,hints,Vip Guides...)
 VIP system (4 Levels, Silver,Gold,Diamond,Platinum, Loads of commands)
 Helper system
 Admin system (5 levels : Trial moderator,Moderator,Administrator,Server Manager, Community Owner)
 Loads of staff commands
 Multi Skills(Rapist, Hitman, Kidnapper, Terrorist, Prostitute)
 City Hall (Helps manage few twiks,Skill changing, fake ID Cards...)
 Loads of public commands, General commands,Class commands...
 Vehicle DealerShip
 House system (Create houses in game, see more via /rconcmds)
 Business system (Create stores/restaurantes/ammunations.... in game, see more via /rconcmds
 and more...


  • 1- Copy the Gamemode files (.pwn and .amx fies) into your GameMode Folder
  • 2- Copy and past the "server.cfg" file,
  • 3-Install the Plugins/Includes stated on the Credit section in order to run the server properly