This repo contains code that was used in the paper:
Wes Holliday and Eric Pacuit, 2019, "Strategic Voting Under Uncertainty About the Voting Method," in Proceedings of TARK 2019, Toulouse.
- preflibtools: (to generate profiles, a fork of these Python scripts is contained in this repo)
- seaborn: (for producing graphs)
- prettytable: (to display voting scenarios)
- jupyter (to run the notebooks)
- numpy (only used for simple calculations)
- pandas (used from some simple data manipulation)
- pickle (for storing instances of manipulation)
- voting: a directory containing the scripts that implement the various voting methods
- definition of the Ranking class
- definition of the Voter class
- definition of the Profile class and some helper functions
- definition of various voting methods and some helper functions
- peflibtools: A fork of the Python scripts from
- VotingScripts: Jupyter notebook that illustrates the scripts implementing the above voting scripts. Note: Uncomment the relevant %%writefile commands to overwrite the files in the voting directory.
- CreateReducedProfiles: Jupyter notebook to create profiles of various sizes
- FindStrategicInstances: Jupyter notebook to create the heatmaps for pairs of voting methods
- AsymptoticAnalysis: Jupyter notebook searching larger voting situations (more than 3 candidates/more than 7 voters), where profiles are sampled using the impartial culture model.