
🚀 Planet Wager! A space themed betting app.

MIT LicenseMIT


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App Description

Planet Wager! The betting app that allows you to bet with your friends and keep track of who's losing spacebucks and who is raking them in.

Problem Statement

Have you ever made multiple bets with friends over the course of a night and lost track? With the Olympics coming up next week, viewers across the globe are going to be entering into friendly wagers, but Pyeongchang is 16 hours ahead of Mountain Standard Time, and it's going to be difficult to track if the events are happening while you are asleep. Eventually everyone will forget who owes who and what bets were made. No more!

How Our App Solves This Problem!

Planet Wager will provide a platform for users to place bets at anytime, and wake up to winnings! Users can define their own bet (i.e. Japan wins men's figure skating) and invite their friends to accept the bet. Depending on the real world outcome, users will be awarded spacebucks. After all, gambling is not regulated in space! Our initial liftoff coinciding with the Olympics will build some great velocity, but the app can ultimately be used for non-olympic bets as well. The app can be used to bet on anything from intergalactic events to small things like who can hold their breath the longest in a challenge amongst friends.

User Experience

Users open the app and login using a username and password.
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They are presented with a list of current bets which they can accept. Additionally, they can write their own bet by filling in a text field (i.e. the US wins gold in women's Alpine skiing) and a number of spacebucks. The bet goes up on the "betting board" and other users can accept the bet. If accepted, the bet moves to each users profile page, either in their created bets or their accepted bets.
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These bets have three option buttons, "I won", "They won", and "Wash". When the event is completed, users both need to select one of the win outcome buttons according to the agreed upon results. At that point the winning user will have the opportunity to collect their spacebucks. When the bet is complete, a full record of it appears in each user's profile and can be tagged if/when the spacebucks are transferred as fiat currency.

Installation Instructions

Using the app only requires visiting our website, https://planetwager.herokuapp.com/, and setting up an account.

However, if you wish to download the app and make changes to better suit your personal needs, you will find the source code for the fronted at: https://github.com/Space-Team/space-betting-frontend and the code for the backend at: https://github.com/Space-Team/Space-Betting-Backend. After forking over your desired repo and cloning it down to your computer, please npm install then happy hacking! You will be able to find more detailed installation instructions in the respective repos for the frontend and the backend.


React, Express, Knex, Postgresql, Node, Ant Design, Cypress.


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Paul Highum: https://github.com/paulhighum Amber Johnson: https://github.com/amberjohnsonsmile Emily Pancake: https://github.com/epancake Kyle Weintraub: https://github.com/themoonmoth
