CLARAOKE is a system for writing karaoke typesetting according to ASS format. (Advanced Substation Alpha)
Author: Panji Kusuma (
Example file mysub.lisp | Example file mysub2.lisp |
Writing subtitle script especially KARAOKE need too much focus on counting characters and timing. With semi-automatic when adding karaoke in the text, it will lift a little burden for people who writing it. It is possible to create events by looping with random values or writing logic like in programming. In other words, writing subtitle script with capability of programming language.
When working with timing, converting time format to real number or vise versa would be hard and time consuming. CLARAOKE have the solution by accepting either number or time format to create a DURATION object. This object could be modified with other duration object, number or time format. And for final step to write it into subtitle script, DURATIONSTRING provided to convert them to string which accepted by subtitle script.
An example of creating a DURATION object and the process increasing it's value:
(defparameter *obj* (duration "3:25:45"))
(increase-duration *obj* 67)
The results of the example below should all be T
(= (durationinteger *obj*) 1234567)
(string= (durationstring *obj*) (durationstring 1234567))
(zerop (duration-difference "3:25:45.67" 1234567))
Having black and white normally enough colors for subtitle. But, it is better to have more for creativity. CLARAOKE provided COLOR to create color object using name or html-color. RGB could be used to create color object from numbers represents red, green and blue. RANDOM-COLOR could be used to get inspiration by creating random color object. Talking about colors, don't forget about ALPHA which can be used to set the COLOR object. Similar with duration, to write it into subtitle script, there is function called COLORSTRING. ALPHASTRING also provided to write only alpha as string which accepted by subtitle script.
The examples below should all return the value T
(string= (colorstring "Blue Violet") (colorstring "#8A2BE2"))
(string= (colorstring "&HE22B8A&") (colorstring (rgb 138 43 226)))
(string= (alphastring (color "#8A2BE24D")) (alphastring (color "&H4DE22B8A")))
(string= (alphastring "#4D") (alphastring "&H4D&"))
(string= (alphastring "4D") (alphastring 77))
(string= (alphastring (rgb 138 43 226 77)) (alphastring (random-color 3/10)))
Do not mistaken TEXT object with plain text. The TEXT could have one plain text with several OVERRIDES which contain several MODIFIERS. TEXT object could be customize by supplying keyargs during creation. TEXT object is not written directly into the subtitle script, but is inserted as part of the DIALOGUE object. TEXT keyargs also works when creating DIALOGUE object.
This is an example of TEXT
creation using plain text:
(text "Hello world!")
(text "Hello world!" :generate-overrides-p t)
(text "Hello world!" :generate-overrides-p t :spell-duration 50)
(text "Hello world!" :generate-overrides-p t :spell-duration 50 :change-karaoke-type :fill)
(text "Hello world!" :generate-overrides-p t :spell-duration 50 :change-karaoke-type :outline)
This is an example of TEXT
creation using the overridden text:
(text "{\\K50\\What}Hel{\\K50}lo {\\K50}world!")
(text "{\\K50\\What}Hel{\\K50}lo {\\K50}world!" :remove-unknown-modifier-p t)
(text "{\\K50\\What}Hel{\\K50}lo {\\K50}world!" :remove-unknown-modifier-p t :keep-original-modifier-p t)
SUBTITLE is the main object to hold other objects before they are ready to be printed. When creating a SUBTITLE object, adjustment of the default STYLE and the first DIALOGUE can be achieved by supplying keyargs. The KEY arguments for STYLE and EVENT that have the same KEY must use class name before the KEY as PREFIX.
This is an example of SUBTITLE
(subtitle "Title")
(subtitle "" :title "Empty String")
(subtitle nil :title "Ignore All Arguments")
(subtitle "Prefix" :style-margin-v 15 :event-margin-v 30)
This is an example of DIALOGUE
(dialogue "Hello world!" :end "1:2.34")
(dialogue "Hello world!!" :start "1:2.34" :duration 6234)
(dialogue "Hello world!!!" :start (* 2 6234) :end (* 3 (durationinteger "1:2.34")))
(with-open-file (stream #p"tests-result.txt"
:direction :output
:if-exists :supersede
:if-does-not-exist :create)
(let ((*standard-output* stream))
(format t "<pre>~%")
(asdf:test-system "claraoke")
(format t "~2&</pre>")))
Open tests result HERE.