Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook



This repository contains several scipts that compare the solution of different imaging minimisation problems using the Core Imaging Library (CIL) and cvxpy. All the cvxpy scripts are initially implemented in Matlab for [1] and [2].

Imaging Problems


  • For the cvxpy implementation, the Splitting Conic Solver (SCS) is used by default. Another option is to use the MOSEK solver but it requires a licence. Institutional Academic License is free.

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Run the notebooks locally

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conda env create -f environment.yml


[1] Infimal Convolution Regularisation Functionals of BV and L^p Spaces. Part I: The finite p case. Burger, Martin, Papafitsoros, Konstantinos, Papoutsellis, Evangelos, and Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2016

[2] Infimal Convolution Regularisation Functionals of BV and L^p Spaces. The Case p=∞. Burger, Martin, Papafitsoros, Konstantinos, Papoutsellis, Evangelos, and Schönlieb, Carola-Bibiane In System Modeling and Optimization 2016