
Frontend for the Ask An Expert project

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Ask an Expert is an application that allows associates, both in training and in the field, to submit questions about projects they are working on. Associates have the ability to browse topics and tag their questions with the appropriate chip that their quesiton relates to. Internally, the question then routes to an Expert based on their qualifications. AAE generates a queue for experts to pull questions based on the tags and submit responses for the associate. Ultimately, once the question has been answered satisfactorily, the associate can mark the question as closed and future associates can browse these questions for review. AAE allows for associates to quickly and efficiently get their difficult questions answered by professionals they can trust.


Associate module Contains all components related to only associates - Ask question (in development) Allows user write a question and add tags to the question based on cetegory - Browse own posts (in development) See all questions previously submitted by a user

Expert module Contains all moduals specific to experts only - Self-tags AKA Expert tags (in development) Allows experts to see available tags - Expert responses (in development) Space for expeerts to submit a response that is attached to the quesiton originally asked - View Questions (in development) Allows experts to view questions submitted by associates

Static module Contains elements that are accessable to all users - Navigation Navigation bar to different elements of page - Login Allow user to login, determining if they are accessing associate features or expert features - Browsing (in development) Allows and user to browse old questions by associated tags