
Simple asynchronous Job Runner with Redis, Python and docker-compose

Primary LanguagePython

Job Runner


This is a simple asynchronous job runner written in Python. It uses Redis as a queue system and Docker to easily create containers. A producer add a job description in queue looking like this :

    "type": "print",
    "name": "nameOfTheJob",
    "params": {
        "text": "Hello world"

The next producer will pop the next job, create the correct class corresponding and execute the job. The idea is that you can have lots of producers and lots of consumers on different machines, using one Queue system. Jobs can be added in different languages.

Quick example

redis_queue = RedisQueue()    # default: localhost, 6379   
# Create the job runner
job_runner = JobRunner(redis_queue)  
# Add a job of type PrintJob
job_runner.add_job(PrintJob("myFirstJob", {"text": "Hello World"}))
# Run every job it can. It will print "Hello World"

Run samples

The samples here are available in the example folder. You can use docker and docker-compose to easily test these.


You could create a redis container and a producing/consuming container.

# Create a redis container
docker run -d --name redis
# First build a docker image using the Dockerfile
docker build -t epayet/job-runner .
# Then run the simple example
docker run --link redis --rm epayet/job-runner examples/simple.py

This example add 20 jobs, then run them (print 20 times). Checkout examples/simple.py.

Multiple producers and consumers

We can easily add producers and consumers using docker-compose. The current docker-compose.yml creates 2 producers and 1 consumer, using 1 redis container. They use the simples scripts examples/simple-producer.py and examples/simple-consumer.py. You can mix the numbers if you want.

docker-compose up

How to

Add your own job

Create your Job class

Job definition are on the job/jobs folder. You have to create a class inheriting from the Job class, add an unique self.type = "theUniqueTypeOfYourJob" in the constructor, and have a run method. Checkout the PrintJob job for example.

Add it in the job_factory

Register your new Job in the job/jobs/job_factory.py file. TODO maybe use class reflection instead of factory ?

# ...
elif job_type == "theUniqueTypeOfYourJob":
    return MyNewJobClass(job_info["name"], job_info["params"])


You can replace the Redis queue by a simple memory queue (will vanish after your program stops), which is great for testing.

memory_queue = MemoryQueue()
job_runner = JobRunner(memory_queue)
# The rest is similar

Or you can create your own queue system, keeping the same methods.


Pull requests and comments are welcome!