
A linter to prevent exception handling antipatterns in Python (limited only for those who like dinosaurs).

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Prevent Exception Handling AntiPatterns in Python

Actions Status PyPI Semantic Release GitHub Downloads Code style: black try/except style: tryceratops Follow guilatrova

Inspired by this blog post. I described the building process of this tool here.

β€œFor those who like dinosaurs πŸ¦– and clean try/except ✨ blocks.”


Installation and usage


pip install tryceratops


poetry add -D tryceratops


tryceratops [filename or dir...]

You can enable experimental analyzers by running:

tryceratops --experimental [filename or dir...]

You can ignore specific violations by using: --ignore TRYXXX repeatedly:

tryceratops --ignore TRY201 --ignore TRY202 [filename or dir...]

You can exclude dirs by using: --exclude dir/path repeatedly:

tryceratops --exclude tests --exclude .venv [filename or dir...]

You can also autofix some violations:

tryceratops --autofix [filename or dir...]


flake8 Plugin

πŸ¦– Tryceratops is also a plugin for flake8, so you can:

❯ flake8 --select TRY src/tests/samples/violations/call_raise_vanilla.py
src/tests/samples/violations/call_raise_vanilla.py:13:9: TRY002 Create your own exception
src/tests/samples/violations/call_raise_vanilla.py:13:9: TRY003 Avoid specifying long messages outside the exception class
src/tests/samples/violations/call_raise_vanilla.py:21:9: TRY201 Simply use 'raise' without specifying exception object again


All violations and its descriptions can be found in docs.

Autofix support

So far, autofix only supports violations: TRY200, TRY201, and TRY400.

Ignoring violations

If you want to ignore a violation in a specific file, you can either:

  • Add a comment with noqa to the top of the file you want to ignore
  • Add a comment with noqa to the line you want to ignore
  • Add a comment with noqa: CODE to the line you want to ignore a specific violation


def verbose_reraise_1():
        a = 1
    except Exception as ex:
        raise ex  # noqa: TRY202


You can set up a pyproject.toml file to set rules. This is useful to avoid reusing the same CLI flags over and over again and helps to define the structure of your project.


exclude = ["samples"]
ignore = ["TRY002", "TRY200", "TRY300"]
experimental = false
check_pickable = false
allowed_base_exceptions = ["MyAppBase"]

CLI flags always overwrite the config file.


If you wish to use pre-commit, add this:

  - repo: https://github.com/guilatrova/tryceratops
    rev: v2.3.3
      - id: tryceratops

Show your style

try/except style: tryceratops

Add this fancy badge to your project's README.md:

[![try/except style: tryceratops](https://img.shields.io/badge/try%2Fexcept%20style-tryceratops%20%F0%9F%A6%96%E2%9C%A8-black)](https://github.com/guilatrova/tryceratops)

Extra Resources

If you want to read more about:


Thank you for considering making Tryceratops better for everyone!

Refer to Contributing docs.

Change log





Thanks to God for the inspiration πŸ™Œ ☁️ β˜€οΈ

The black project for insights.