
A simple breakout game which incorperates physics into the blocks

Primary LanguageASP


Physiblocks Splash

I made a game!


Physiblocks (fiz - ee - blocks) is twist on the popular Atari game Breakout. In Breakout you play as a paddle and have to bounce a ball on some blocks to destroy them all. This game is very similar however the twist is that the blocks move around using physics. As far as I am aware this is unuique; I haven't seen it before.

The game is powered by Unity , Unfortunately due to a bug in Unity won't run in WebGL, please bear in mind that the WebGl feature is still in beta.

Dual Paddle

Dual Paddle

There is a dual paddle game mode available on the non-mobile versions. In this version you have control of two different paddles. The high score is kept in a different file. I decided to keep this out of the mobile version as it's quite complicated to have to control of the second panel without making the screen feel cluttered/ overcrowded

Where to Play

The game is available on the following platforms

  • Unity Web Player
  • Windows
  • Mac
  • Linux (Coming Soon)
  • Android (V. 4.0 and up)

All of the versions can be found on the GameJolt Page. There is also a Google Play Store page for Android users.

If you feel kind enough to donate to charitty Then the great people over at Humble Inc. have kindly provided a method to do so. From your purchase 95% of the money goes to Child Play, the other 5% going to Humble Inc.

<iframe width='550' height='264' scrolling='no' frameBorder='0' style='border:none;' src='https://www.humblebundle.com/store/product/physiblocks/b33dflkh4d'></iframe>

Tech used

  • Unity3D
    • C# API
  • Paint.Net for Images
  • Unity Ads API

Unity Ads

The Ads only appear on the mobile version of the game, don't worry.

I've been having some problems with Unity Ads, they are definitely implemented but I don't appear to be getting them shown up, if anyone has any experience with Unity Ads could they please post in the comments section.


All screenshots can be found on Imgur

Main Menu

Options Menu

Game play

Game play

Game play

Game play

Dual Paddle