
SageMath implementation for Node.js

MIT LicenseMIT


SageMath is an open-source project to create mathematical software that is a free alternative to proprietary, closed-source packages. One way to access it on the Internet is through the SageMathcell server, where code can be entered and evaluated. It can also be accessed as a web service for situations requiring more interactive access to the data output.

The URL for accessing the web API is https://sagecell.sagemath.org/service. The secure URL is necessary to avoid CORS errors. Appending a trailing slash to this URL produces an additional CORS error when retrieving data. The code to be executed must be URL encoded as a URL component, not a full URL. The encoded string is then POSTed to the server with a prefix code= and a JSON response returned with the result of the interaction.



npm i sagemath

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