
Ansible Plugin to write CACHE Varibles to Kafka

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

  • TODO: EVERYTHING - I used my other plugin for ansible-plugin-cache-kafka as a frame work

Files defined

{{CWD}}/plugins/cache/kafka.py = plugin to write selected ansible varibles to kafka

{{CWD}}/plugins/cache/kafka.ini = Configuration File for the plugin

{{CWD}}/install-playbook.yml = install the prerequisites

{{CWD}}/debug-playbook.yml = test examples playbook


There is one dependency and makes a copy of the ansible.cfg.example to ansible.cfg (For now)

ansible-playbook install-playbook.yml --ask-become-pass

Configuration Ansible

cache_plugins      = /usr/share/ansible/plugins/cache:{{CWD}}/plugins/cache
fact_caching = kafka

Configration Kafka.ini

The Kafka.ini is expected to be in the same location as Kafka.py

{{CWD}}/plugins/cache/Kafka.ini This is JSON format because it was quick and easy for me.

"######": "List of hostnames",
"es_hostnames": ["localhost"],
"######": "Elastic Search Port number",
"es_port": 9200,
"######": "Elastic Search Index to save data",
"es_index": "ansible_cache",
"######": "directory name, if unset will disable local cache - relative to {{CWD}} or specify full path",
"local_cache_directory": "ansible_cache",
"######": "Write data to local cache",
"write_local_cache_directory": true,
"######": "Read from local cache instead of kafka good for offline testing",
"read_local_cache_directory": true,
"######": "Filter fields because ansible has many thousands of varibles which we don't need",
"field_filter": [
                    "######": "All fields are optional",
                    "######": "I even support BASIC DOT notitation to only grab certain sub-fields",
