
A script to extract features about messages sent on an instance of Mattermost (from a Mattermost database) and store it in a csv file.


If you want to make the script run on our own instance of Mattermost (that we used to test the script and develop it), you should first check that the three containers (mattermost-docker_web, mattermost-docker_db and mattermost-docker_app) are running on computer If they are not, you can make them run with the following command (once you are on the computer physically or via ssh):

cd /scratch/lohoumar/mattermost-docker
docker-compose up -d

You should also be inside EPFL network or use the VPN to execute the script.

Database setup

The script will first try to connect to the database using the database.ini file in the databaseSetup directory. This file contains the name of the host, the port, the name of the database, the user and the password to connect to it. For the moment, it contains the right value to connect to our own instance of Mattermost, but if you want to use another one, you should put the right values there (if you use Mattermost with docker, the values for the port, database name, user and password should be in the docker-compose.yml file).

Version and libraries

The script uses python3.

To make it run properly, you should have the following libraries installed for python3:

  • psycopg2 to run database queries
  • langdetect to detect the language
  • vaderSentiment to analyse sentiment
  • spacy to analyse tags. Spacy requires some other libraries such as numpy. You might also have to install Cython in order to install spacy.

Once you have installed the libraries above, you also need to download spacy models for English, French, German and Italian languages. The models that you need can be found on spacy website and can be downloaded with the following commands:

python3 -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
python3 -m spacy download fr_core_news_sm
python3 -m spacy download de_core_news_sm
python3 -m spacy download it_core_news_sm


The script is in the file You can run it using:


It will connect to the database (see Database setup), write queries to the database to extract NLP features, process them and store them in a csv file called 'mattermost_log_extraction.csv'. If you want to change the name of the csv file or give another path, you can modify line 156 of and give another filename.