
Repository for "Fine-tuning large language models for link recommendation in Wikipedia" project

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Source code for "Entity Insertion in Multilingual Linked Corpora: The Case of Wikipedia"


There are two key parts to the code structure in this repo. The subdirectory wikipedia_dumps_process contains code related to the data processing. The subdirectory data_modelling contains code related to our data modeling framework.

Data Processing Code

All the scripts needed to process the raw data are in the repo, in the subdirectory wikipedia_dumps_process. For the full processing pipeline, the scripts need to be chained in the correct order. The bash script full_pipeline.sh abstracts away the interactions between the scripts and can be used to run the entire data processing pipeline.

I leave the following recommendations when processing the data:

  • The script test_data_version_finder.py downloads the revision history before processing it. It can be configured to run with two different behaviors
    • Download all the missing revision history files: this will start the processing of the revision history from scratch
    • Only use the existing revision history files and don't download any additional ones: this is relevant to resume an interrupted job
  • No more than 3 processes can be used by test_data_version_finder.py to download the revision history, as otherwise we get blocked by Wikipedia. Additionally, sometimes the download processes hang. At this point, it is necessary to interrupt the script, delete the partial downloaded file, and resume the processing.
  • The crawler in crawler/crawl_wiki.js can download HTML pages from Wikipedia using multiple parallel threads. However, no more than 5 should be used. This is very important because Wikipedia will not prevent us from downloading the pages and no error will be thrown. However, all the HTML files downloaded will be "Server Error" HTML files, and not the content we want.
  • The script test_data_generator.py can be very memory-hungry especially for large languages (English, German, French, Spanish). I recommend using no more than 4 processes for the large language, while paying attention to the memory usage to avoid problems. If there is no rush, 2 processes are safe and can be left running unattended.
  • The script input_generator_stage1.py can also be memory-hungry. For the large languages, it is recommended to use the extra arguments provided in the script that significantly reduce the memory usage of the script.

Modelling Code

The training infrastructure is present in data_modelling/training. Script main.py can be used to train a model for entity insertion, and it has a large number of command line arguments to allow for a versatile and easy training set-up. The training script expects a specific structure from the training data. Several examples of training datasets can be found in /XXX/YYY/linkrec-llms/training/multilingual_datasets. Keep in mind that the columns are not necessarily the same for stage 1 and stage 2.


Our model is benchmarked against multiple baselines. We use

  • Random: Randomly rank the candidates.
  • String Match: Search for previously used mentions in the candidate text spans.
  • BM25: Apply BM25 on keywords extracted from the target lead paragraph and keywords extracted from the text span.
  • EntQA: Specifically, the retriever module from EntQA. The candidate text spans are encoded independently as well as the target entity. The text spans are ranked according to the cosine similarity between the embeddings of the text spans and the embeddings of the target article (see paper). Before EntQA can be used, the bash script data_modelling/baselines/prepare_EntQA.sh needs to be executed.
  • GET: As a generative model, we give each text candidate to the model and force it to generate the name for the target entity. The text candidates are then ranked by the score produced by the model for each generated text (see paper). Before GET can be used, the bash script data_modelling/baselines/prepare_GET.sh needs to be executed.
  • GPT-3.5/GPT-4: We give pairs of text contexts, where one element is the correct text span and the other element is an incorrect one. The model needs to predict which text span is most related to the target entity. WARNING this is an expensive baseline, use carefully.

The script benchmark_baselines.py is used to benchmark all baselines expect GPT, which is done using benchmark_gpt.py. The models are benchmarked using benchmark_models.py.


Then there are several benchmarking subdirectories, relating to different benchmarking conditions.

  • benchmark_synth: benchmarking done on the generated test data, without real inserted links (warning the notebooks and scripts in this subdirectory are very old and they may no longer be consistent with the current data format. They will most likely need significant work.) These benchmarks are much less significant than the other two
  • benchmark_real: benchmarking done on the Simple English data. Particularly relevant for the ablations that were only conducted on Simple English.
  • benchmark_multilingual: benchmarking done on the full multilingual data. These are the most relevant (and most up-to-date) results.

In order to generate the data for benchmark_multilingual, the script data_modelling/benchmark_multilingual/merge_data.py should be used. To generate the data for benchmark_real, the script data_modelling/benchmark_multilingual/clean_data.py.


Data Structure

All data is available in /XXX/YYY/wikidumps. The sub-directories in this directory contain both the raw data and the raw, and they are structured as {lang}wiki-NS0-{date}, where {lang} is the language code and {date} is the dump date. For example, iswiki-NS0-20231001 is the data for Icelandic corresponding to the dump from 01/10/2023.

Each subdirectory contains several folders. We have raw_data which contains the raw data taken directly from the dumps. The revision history is needed for the full processing pipeline, but due to the large size (several TBs) it is downloaded and deleted during processing. The folder processed_data contains all the processed data, including links, pages, mentions, redirects and section texts. The eval folder contains all the links added between the dump in question and the next dump, containing also all the needed HTML pages that were crawled directly from Wikipedia. Finally, the eval_synth data contains the generated test data that was produced using only the existing links from the dump in question and the next dump. To generate the data in eval we need the full revision history, but to generate the data in eval_synth we do not.


All produced models are available in /XXX/YYY/models. The model naming is as roberta_{training_regime}_{training_language}. The following training regimes were used:

  • simple: simple fine-tuning, only the first training stage (warm-start stage) and no augmentations/injections (see script data_modelling/training/simple-model-experiments.sh)
  • dyn_mask_no_neg: simple + dynamic context removal applied only on the positive candidates (see script data_modelling/training/novelties-experiments.sh, mode dyn-mask-no-neg)
  • dyn_mask: dyn_mask_no_neg + dynamic context removal applied also to the negative candidates (see script data_modelling/training/novelties-experiments.sh, mode dyn-mask)
  • expansion: dyn_mask + second stage, called expansion stage (see script data_modelling/training/novelties-experiments.sh, mode expansion)
  • full: expansion + knowledge injection (see script data_modelling/training/full-model-experiments.sh)
  • only_expansion: model trained with only the expansion stage, using knowledge injection (see script data_modelling/training/expansion-experiments.sh)
  • pointwise: same as full but trained with pointwise loss instead of ranking loss (see script data_modelling/training/pointwise-model-experiments.sh)

For the training languages, each monolingual model is suffixed by the language code. We have two multilingual model variants:

  • multilingual: Model trained with a subset of languages: cs, cy, en, hi, is, it, ja, kn, sw, ur, uz (held-out: af, fr, ga, gu, kk, ms, pt, simple, sk)
  • multilingual-all: Model trained with all languages: af, cs, cy, en, fr, ga, gu, hi, is, it, ja, kk, kn, ms, pt, simple, sk, sw, ur, uz

Relevant Notebooks

These are the most important notebooks in this repo.

  • data_modelling/benchmark_multilingual/compare_models.ipynb: Full results for the multilingual data (graphics and tables in LaTeX format)
  • data_modelling/benchmark_multilingual/create_examples.ipynb: Examples of predictions from baselines and models
  • data_modelling/benchmark_real/compare_models_all.ipynb: Results for Simple English (only ablations are relevant now)
  • wikipedia_dumps_process/analysis_notebooks/added_links_analysis.ipynb: Language statistics regarding the added links
  • wikipedia_dumps_process/analysis_notebooks/graph_analysis.ipynb: Language statistics regarding the number of pages and links available