
A docker-compose example to monitor a local computer with Grafana, Prometheus and node-exporter.

Primary LanguageMakefile


A docker compose example to monitor a local computer with Grafana, Prometheus, its alert manager and node-exporter.



make up

Grafana configuration

Data source

Open a browser and connect to http://localhost:3000

On the homepage, select configuration → Data Source

Add new data source

Choose Prometheus

On the configuration panel, set the access method to "Browser". Just keep the default url http://localhost:9090

Save and test.


Go to Dashboard → Manage

Click on Import

Type 1860https://grafana.com/grafana/dashboards/1860-node-exporter-full/ and Load

Select prometheus as the data source and Import.

So now, you have a fully working monitoring board. Enjoy !

Alert manager

Before anything, copy the alertmanager/config.sample.yml to alertmanager/config.yml and change the bot's token and the chat_id. The ./prometheus/rules/alert-all-the-time.yml file is configured to send an alert to this receiver (telegram).

Visit http://localhost:9093 to see the alert manager UI.

You can add some alerts to the ./prometheus/rules folder. See Samber's awesome-prometheus-alerts for some idea.