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EPFL CS550 - Formal Verification

Moodle, Coursebook

This repository is the homepage of the course Formal Verification (autumn 2023) and hosts the material necesary for the labs.



The grade is based on the written mid-term, as well as code, documentation, and explanation of projects during the semester. Specific percentages will be communicated in the first class and posted here.

The types of graded materials will include:

  • 40% Late mid-term written exam: 23 November 15:15-18:00 (see this folder with past exams)
  • 20% total: four-five labs, to be done in groups, each group working independently on same projects
  • 40% final project to be done in groups, you will choose a topic with our agreement
    • 10% Written presentation of a background paper
    • 10% Results accomplished (how hard it was, how far you got)
    • 10% Presentation of results
    • 10% Final report


In this course we introduce formal verification as a principled approach for developing systems that do what they should do.

The course has two aspects:

  • learning the practice of formal verification - how to use tools to construct verified software
  • understanding the principles behind formal verification and the ways in which verification tools work

The course will follow a similar structure to the 2022 edition. Project can be a case study in developing a verified piece of software, an implementation of verification tool functionality, or a theoretical result about verification, constraint solving or theorem proving. Students present their projects with a written report as well as by a live presentation of project results, answering our questions.

Note that slides can be found underneath each lecture video on switch tube linkes below.


In the reading list below, HandAR-Ch.2 means Chapter 2 in the Handbook of Practical Logic and Automated Reasoning Above, whereas HandMC-Ch.9 means Chapter 9 of the Handbook of Model Checking, etc.


Week Day Date Time Room Topic Videos & Slides
1 Thu 21.09.2023 15:15 GRA330 Lecture 1 Intro to FV, Intro to Stainless, Auxiliary Assertions, Unfolding, Disasters, Successes, and Inductive Invariants
Follow: Stainless ASPLOS'22 Tutorial
17:15 GRA330 Lecture 2 Dispenser Example, Finite Systems Expressed with Formulas
Reading: HandMC-Ch.10
Fri 22.09.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture 3 What is a Formal Proof? and Propositional Resolution
Reading: CalComp-Ch.1 ∨ HandAR-Ch.2
2 Thu 28.09.2023 15:15 GRA330 Exercise 1 Propositional logic
17:15 GRA330 Lab 1 Sublists in Stainless
Fri 29.09.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture 4 Propositional Resolution up to and including equisatisfiability
3 Thu 5.10.2023 15:15 GRA330 Lecture 5 Propositional Resolution: Tseytin's transformation and SAT solving. Automating First-Order Logic using Resolution
17:15 GRA330 Lab 2 A communication protocol in Stainless
Fri 6.10.2023 13:15 INR219 Exercise 2 Traces, SAT, models
4 Thu 12.10.2023 15:15 GRA330 Lecture 6 Continue Automating First-Order Logic using Resolution. Term Models for First-Order Logic
17:15 GRA330 Lab 3 Resolution proof checker (with Stainless)
Fri 13.10.2023 13:15 INR219 Exercise 3 Propositional logic. Transition systems. Models
5 Thu 19.10.2023 15:15 GRA330 Lecture 7 Converting Imperative Programs to Formulas, Hoare Logic, Strongest Postcondition, Weakest Precondition
17:15 GRA330 Lab 3 Continue resolution proof checker
Fri 20.10.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture 8 Presburger Arithmetic 1, Presburger Airhtmetic 2
6 Thu 26.10.2023 15:15 GRA330 Exercises 4
17:15 GRA330 Lab 4 First Lisa Lab
Fri 27.10.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture 9 Abstract Interpretation Idea, Lattices
7 Thu 2.11.2023 15:15 GRA330 Exercises 5
17:15 GRA330 Lab 5
Fri 3.11.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture 10 Fixed Point Theorem, Omega Continuity (only until AI recipe)
Sun 5.11.2023 Deadline to submit the topic of your project and the background paper you will review
8 Thu 9.11.2023 15:15 GRA330 Exercises 6
17:15 GRA330 Finish Lab 5, Background paper review, Work on project
Fri 10.11.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture 11 Omega Continuity (from AI recipe onwards), Predicate Abstraction. Complete slides, Annotated
9 Thu 16.11.2023 15:15 GRA330 Lecture 12 Monotonicity and Semantics of Local Variables, Relational Semantics of Loops, Loop Semantics Example
17:15 GRA330 Work on project Deadline to finish and upload the background paper review.
Fri 17.11.2023 13:15 INR219 Exercises 7
10 Thu 23.11.2023 15:15 GRA330 WRITTEN EXAM Exam 2023 Sheet
11 Thu 30.11.2023 15:15 GRA330 Labs Project discussions with course staff
17:15 GRA330 Exercises Exam Solutions
Fri 01.12.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture Approximating Loops. Recursion 1, Recursion 2, Termination
12 Thu 07.12.2023 15:15 GRA330 Labs Project discussions with course staff
17:15 GRA330 Labs Project discussions with course staff
Fri 08.12.2023 13:15 INR219 Lecture SMT Solvers, Tableau-Based Theorem Proving (by Simon)
13 Thu 14.12.2023 15:15 GRA330 Lecture Guest lecture by Prof. Thomas Bourgeat
17:15 GRA330 Labs
Fri 15.12.2023 13:15 INR219 Project Presentations ILIESCU Valentina-Florentina, WINDLER Leon, LAZAR David Leonardo
14 Thu 21.12.2023 15:15 GRA330 Project Presentations GILLIARD Patrick, SCHNEUWLY Victor, PIVETEAU Alexandre
15:45 GRA330 Project Presentations HALILOVIC Dario, HERNANDEZ CANO Alejandro
16:15 GRA330 Project Presentations RAZGALLAH Hédi, ROVELLI Gianmaria, KLEYMANN David
16:45 GRA330 Project Presentations KAPPELER Kelvin, JOLIDON Bastien, KALLAND Magnus
17:15 GRA330 Project Presentations VIDIGUIERA Manuel, CONTOVOUNESIOS Basil, POIROUX Auguste
Fri 22.12.2023 13:15 INR219 Project Presentations REMMAL Hamza, FLESSELLE Eugene
13:45 INR219 Project Presentations ZHAO Yaoyu, FALTINGS Victor, BARMETTLER Lars
14:15 INR219 Project Presentations WOJNAROWSKI Marcin, BARTRINA Guillem, SAINAS Franco
14:45 INR219 Project Presentations DE CASTELNAU Julien, BELENTEPE Cemalettin Cem