
EPFL Web 2018 Styleguide based on Elements

Primary LanguageHTML

EPFL Theme Elements logo

EPFL Theme Elements

EPFL Web2018 Theme based on Elements.

Build Status npm version


Quick start

Several quick start options are available:

Read the Wiki for more information.

What's included

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing minified versions. You'll see something like this:

│  └── elements.min.css
│  ├── apple-touch-icon.png
│  ├── epfl-logo.png
│  ├── epfl-logo.svg
│  ├── epfl-logo-negative.svg
│  ├── favicon-16.png
│  ├── favicon-32.png
│  ├── favicon.ico
|  ├── feather-sprite.svg
│  ├── icons.svg
│  └── square.png
│  └── icons/
│      ├── icon-course-exercise.svg
│      ├── icon-course-project.svg
│      └── icon-teaser-video.svg
   ├── elements.min.js.LICENSE.txt
   ├── elements.min.js
   └── vendors.min.js.LICENSE.txt

Applications Showcase


Contributions are always welcome.

See Contributing.


EPFL Theme Elements is maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines.
